

International Women’s Day, 2021 #MarchWithUs: 5 Activists on Dismantling “Gender Lies”

Today, despite centuries of activism and mobilisations, women and non-binary people continue to remain disadvantaged in almost every sphere – from “public life” to the “shadow pandemic” of gender-based violence. In light of COVID-19, some struggles have been considered in…

In Trinidad & Tobago, where women are under siege, sometimes even words feel futile

‘I want to tell you I have answers, but I don’t’ Editor’s note: Trinidad and Tobago has been experiencing an upsurge in femicides and gender-based violence for several years, some of which appears to be linked to an increase in…

Argentina implements action plan against gender violence

With a wave of femicides that has been hitting this country for many years, among other cases, the Argentine President Alberto Fernandez on Friday announced a domestic plan of action against gender violence until 2022. ‘We do not want to…