
Extinction Rebellion

XR v Exxon

Eco-activists demonstrate outside ExxonMobil’s HQ to demand end to oil production and greenwashing. Extinction Rebellion is today protesting outside ExxonMobil’s UK Headquarters in Leatherhead  to demand the oil company halts a major $96bn plan to open new oil and gas…

Reparations and the fight for life

Esther Stanford-Xosei Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network is joining with Stop the Maangamizi and African Emancipation Day Reparations March to lock down Brixton Road on Saturday 1 August. We’ve been doing all the nice stuff for six years – going on…

XR is back

The government is not heeding warnings on climate change, XR says The Covid-19 pandemic has restricted protests by climate activists for several months, but Extinction Rebellion (XR) is planning its comeback. MPs returning to Parliament in September will face a blockade…

Edmonton. Protest against Oil Teck Frontier project

“The Teck Frontier project would mean devastation for all our wildlife we depend on. All that is going to be compromised and destroyed forever.” said Jean L’Hommecourt of the Fort McKay First Nation. (Edmonton Journal) As many as 70 demonstrators…

Who knew what, when, why? “Terror police list’ was shared across Government, NHS, Ofsted and 20 councils

We are deeply disturbed by what clearly goes way beyond the realm of an ‘unfortunate oversight’. Our planet is literally burning and some of the police and government seem desperate to silence the fire alarm. We need to find out…

If defending life on Earth is extremist, we must own that label

George Monbiot For The Guardian Police say climate groups such as Extinction Rebellion are a ‘threat’. They’d have done the same for the suffragettes and Martin Luther King It’s not an “error” or an “accident”, as the police now claim.…

This is ‘Crude, Divisive, Dangerous’ – Response from Extinction Rebellion to Police’s ‘Run Hide Tell’ poster

This ‘who’s who’ poster listing of groups in the UK that the police are telling people to ‘Run Hide Tell’ on is totally bonkers. Unfortunately it is not surprising. [1] See Poster here. The guidance document makes it clear that not all…

‘How dare they’ – Extinction Rebellion responds to terrorism slur by Police

How dare they. Children up and down the country are desperately fighting for a future. Teachers, grandparents, nurses have been trying their best with loving nonviolence to get politicians and big business to do something about the dire state of…

If You’re Not Busy Plotting Nonviolent Revolution for Peace and Climate, You’re Busy Dying

Roger Hallam is of course right in his short book, Common Sense for the 21st Century: Only Nonviolent Rebellion Can Now Stop Climate Breakdown and Social Collapse. While some portion of humanity heaps scorn on the victims of the fossil fuel…

BREAKING COP25 – Extinction Rebellion and Minga act for Amazonia: Let’s disrupt the Destruction

It is time to #ProtectTheAmazon. On 9th December, Minga, the indigenous peoples’ alternative to COP25, and Extinction Rebellion’s Rebels Beyond Borders have blocked the road leading to the entrance to COP25. They have also installed a yellow boat, with people locked on to it, in an…

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