
Extinction Rebellion

Chomsky & UN Forewarnings Revisited

I recently attended a family affair in Upstate NY and was informed that climate change articles, like this one, are too negative, causing close relatives to shut down and going so far as to ignore articles, too gloomy, too negative,…

Scientists on trial for warning of ecological crisis

Scientists in Rebellion & Extinction Rebellion – 26 September 2023 On the morning of 5 October 2023, 7 scientists and activists will go on trial before the Paris Police Court following an action they took in April 2022 to warn…

What’s next for Extinction Rebellion after a disappointing success?

The British climate movement’s ‘Big One’ brought out record numbers, but ran into a wall of silence. XR’s new strategy could turn this setback into a new lease on life. By Douglas Rogers It’s been just over a month since…

Global Action calls for halt to funding for East African oil pipeline

Activists from 7 countries are singling out Marsh McLennan for its role in the development of the East African oil pipeline. They allege that the insurance brokerage violates OECD CSR guidelines. Members of the #StopEACOP coalition held a coordinated day…

US: Guns Have to Go

According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 354 mass shootings in the US so far in 2022, and more than 24,000 people in this country have died as a result of gun violence (mass shootings, suicides, homicides, accidents,…

Ditch Shell

Scientists for Extinction Rebellion Dear Sir Ian Blatchford: Scientists for Extinction Rebellion send open letter to the Science Museum Group calling for an end to Shell sponsorship. As a community of scientists working across many different disciplines, we are passionate…

Blowing up pipelines

Walter Benjamin famously described revolution as humanity’s attempt to “activate the emergency brake” in the locomotive of history. His words, written amid the turmoil of World War II, still ring true in times of climate crisis and runaway ecological breakdown.…

XR promises wave of action for COP26

Extinction Rebellion (XR) announces strategy to put pressure on the government in the run-up to next November’s UN climate talks. Online disruption, financial civil disobedience and one-person road-blocks are some of the action XR is urging its followers to take…

Italian Extinction Rebellion proclaims the 2020 insurrection

From 5 to 11 October, Extinction Rebellion (ER) will take action in Rome performing civil and non-violent disobedience actions. ● XR addresses the government, as it is doing nothing about the ecological and climatic situation, breaking the social contract and…

XR keeps MPs abreast of climate threats

At least 13 topless women attached themselves to the outside of the Palace of Westminster with bike locks around their necks on Thursday. Police arrested a group of semi-naked protesters who chained themselves to railings surrounding Parliament in a bid…

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