

The dollar devours the euro

By Michael Hudson It is now clear that today’s escalation of the New Cold War was planned more than a year ago, with serious strategy associated with the US plan to block Nord Stream 2 as part of its aim…

Schäuble leaves but Schäuble-ism lives on

By Yanis Varoufakis for DiEM25. Wolfgang Schäuble may have left the finance ministry but his policy for turning the eurozone into an iron cage of austerity that is the very antithesis of a democratic federation, lives on. What is remarkable…

The Eurozone is ‘bouncing back’? Tell that to the people of Spain and Greece

EU citizens living under squeezed financial circumstances could be forgiven for wondering whether European Commission President Juncker was having a joke at their expense when he spoke recently about how Europe’s economy is finally bouncing back. After a tumultuous decade…

Greek crisis: countries compete to remove any kind of obstacle to capital accumulation

Antonis Broumas, from Greece, is an investigative lawyer and activist who works mainly on building bridges between law, technology and society.  He participates in social organisations in Greece which promote autonomy and the commons. Broumas was in Quito between the…

Greece’s choice: save the people or the banks?

The recent rise to power of the left wing party Syriza with Tsipras as Prime Minister has renewed expectations about the paths that the country can take to resolve her crisis. Tsipras’s promise to put an end to the extreme…