
European Union

LEAKED: Commission trying to woo German conservatives by sacrificing Europe to austerity

Scarcely a week after the European Council turned its back on the democratic will of Europe’s citizens, we have been greeted by another ominous move that at once confirms our fears about the authoritarian direction the EU has adopted, while…

What to do about the EU’s new trade agenda in Latin America?

By Florian Horn – 16.11.2017 – Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation Brussels Report from the forum on “The Shape of Trade to Come” About ten years ago, the European Union (EU) introduced Global Europe, its most ambitious trade policy strategy to date. It was…

Glyphosate: Democracy 0 – Lobbyists 1

By Erik Edman for DiEM25 As we predicted right after the European Parliament voted not to renew glyphosate’s licence in Europe, the European Member States have now ignored all democratic voices and have decided to renew the licence of the…

End Slavery — Open Letter To European Leaders

December 2, 2017 Addressed to: Mr. Donald Tusk President of the European Council Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission Mr. Antonio Tajani President of the European Parliament Mr. Marco Minniti Italian Minister of the Interior Mr. Angelino Alfano…

The Living Hell of Refugees in Libya: Italy’s Justifications to UN Charges are Self-Incriminating

“What Libya’s become today, that was already well-known…”. Then there’s also this: “Terrible things are happening, but after all they were already known.”. And so on and so forth. These are the types of statements that various representatives of the…

Libya: Break the silence to avoid complicity

The gavel struck at a Tripoli auction to announce that a migrant had been sold for $400 and took us back 300 years to when markets in Montgomery and New Orleans separated men from women, children from mothers, and sold…

Greece: As Winter Nears, Asylum Seekers Stuck in Tents on Islands

The Greek government, with the support of EU member states, should act now to end Greece’s “containment policy,” 20 human rights and aid groups said today. The policy forces asylum seekers arriving on the Greek islands to remain in overcrowded,…

Catalonia, open letter to Juncker and Tusk: the silence of the EU is unjustifiable

In front of the repressive escalation in Catalonia, 185 politicians, intellectuals, academics and MEPs have signed an open letter to European Commission President Juncker and European Council President Tusk to urge the European Union to intervene for the salvation of fundamental…

The European Parliament is a democratic façade — it needs the right to initiate and pass legislation

We built DiEM25 to crush the authoritarian and anti-democratic dogma of Euro-TINA; that There Is No Alternative to the current version of the EU. Not often does our mission receive support from Brussels, the capital of the ailing EU. But…

DiEM25: the courage to imagine and to the transform the EU

On Saturday, 9th of September, the week before the official speech by Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, on the State of the European Union, DiEM25[1] was in BOZAR theatre, Brussels, to show another vision of the European…

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