
European Parliament

Nuclear weapons for the European Union – a violation of applicable law

In the run-up to the European Parliament elections, some politicians and experts have initiated a discussion about “nuclear weapons for the EU”. Whatever the background to this may be, IALANA emphasises that such plans are not only morally questionable, but…

From Europe to Brussels: say no to the Pact on Migration and Asylum!

Resistance organises against inhumane migration laws. On 10 April 2024, many people followed the call to demonstrate in front of the European Parliament in Brussels. We resist together against the European migration and asylum policy! On 10 April, the European…

Speech by Maria Karystianou at the European Parliament: A big leap for the Tempi movement

“We are addressing you as Greeks and as Europeans. Not as supplicants, but as citizens with self-evident rights. We address ourselves with confidence to people who both care and can change things.” -Maria Karystianou With 1.3 million signatures and a…

The two-year lobbying campaign to sabotage pesticide-reduction

The corporate lobbying drumbeat kept banging ever louder — and in the end led to a dramatic downfall of one of the key Green Deal initiatives for ecosystems, health and food security. By Nina Holland Last week MEPs of the…

Greece’s Surveillance Scandal Puts Rights At Risk

A European Parliament committee that investigates spyware use by European Union governments soundly criticized the Greek government’s response to revelations it surveilled independent journalists and an opposition leader. “We’ve heard worrying reports of journalists feeling unsafe when they write about important topics, of the supposedly independent…

Dimitris Papadimoulis: World’s Poorest Unvaccinated Can Pose Global Reinfection Threat

In the context of a series of interviews for Pressenza agency with MEPs from the European parties who vote in the European Parliament for the abolition of patents for vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and diagnostics related to the pandemic, we discuss with…

EU reaches agreement on cross-border infrastructure funding

Following lengthy and at times contentious negotiations, the European Parliament and Council agreed Thursday (11 March) on the Connecting Europe Facility, making available over €30 billion in funding for transport, digital, and energy projects. Prior to Thursday’s late-night agreement, negotiations…

Poland Punishes LGBT Rights Activist with Pretrial Detention

Authorities Should Release Margot Szutowicz in Line with Calls by European Parliament and Council of Europe Warsaw police have arrested a nonbinary activist, Margot Szutowicz, who has been placed in pretrial detention, in the latest example of Polish authorities’ anti-LGBT…

Letter to the President of the European Parliament: stop the violence against refugees in Greece

The board of directors of We Are Odv has decided to write to the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli taking up the text published in the social media on March 2 by the association Refugee 4 Refugees, which…

The European Parliament must intervene to stop violence, the use of force and human rights violations at the EU-Turkey border

We call on the European Parliament and the political groups representing the EU citizens to stop violence and the use of force against defenseless people at the EU-Turkey border and to restore legality and respect for human rights, firstly the…

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