

A new industrial reconversion in Europe is coming?

The European economy has been based in the last decade on the so-called ‘alpine-Mediterranean diet’”, whose main ingredients were the urban boom, tourism, export and domestic consumption. Said formula created excellent minimalist dishes, highly suggestive appearance but empty of culinary…

Current situation Europe-Russia

Two major developments have made themselves felt all over the world. In terms of the battle of the NATO-Russia narrative, Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin has been a before and after, both in terms of numbers and content. As of…

Carlos Fino in an exclusive interview with PRESSENZA (1/2): Moscow and the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia

Carlos Fino (*) interviewed for PRESSENZA by Vasco Esteves Carlos Fino was born in Portugal and was a radio and television reporter, war correspondent, news service presenter and press counsellor for four decades. He has travelled to Eastern Europe, the…

What they say and what they don’t say about war and violence: the humanist position

Before beginning the exposition of our proposals on the present problematic war situation, we consider it appropriate to make explicit some of our principles and beliefs, which come into play when considering the current situation, especially with regard to war…

On the verge of historic change

The change in the new world order will have to go beyond economic, political and military issues. It is a deeper, broader and more decisive change. Since the Greeks, since Alexander. By Edgar Chacón Morales Some millenarists might say that…

Red Artea – “Disobedience has its potential when you make it public”.

If it comes to choosing between legality and human rights, the Artea Network, dedicated to the reception of migrants and refugees, has no doubts. By El Salto diario In the early morning of December 27, 2016, two Basque activists were…

US aggression against Europe

After the victory in the Cold War and the subsequent destruction of the USSR, the model of relations between the United States and European countries as allies proved unjustifiably costly for the United States. By Viktor Medvedchuk US aggression against…

A fifth column for Ukraine and Europe or the meaning of Zelensky’s theatre of the absurd

By Viktor Medvedchuk* President Zelensky’s triumph in the West, the multi-billion dollar support of Ukraine with finances and arms, seemingly shows the unbreakable alliance between the US and Europe. The Ukrainian president and his “struggle” are symbols of this process…

Interview with Roberto Savio

The Italian-Argentine journalist, director of the OtherNews agency, is a reference in international news studies. By Sebastián Do Rosario and Federico Larsen For years, Russia’s relations with the European Union and the United States have been one of the main…

Either we will all be saved or we will all disappear equally! That, is the dilema

Following the recent strategy decided by NATO at its Madrid Summit, which states that China “challenges its interests, security and values”, and that Russia is “the most significant and direct threat” to its interests, the world is moving very quickly…

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