

Western Balkans: exploring Montenegro with the journalist, media executive and international civic activist, Milka Tadić Mijović

On the occasion of a recent road trip to the Western Balkans, Mariannella Kloka and Efi Pavlogergatou interview the journalist Milka Tadić Mijović about Montenegro’s past and present. Milka Tadić Mijović became internationally known as an activist during the turbulent…

The dollar devours the euro

By Michael Hudson It is now clear that today’s escalation of the New Cold War was planned more than a year ago, with serious strategy associated with the US plan to block Nord Stream 2 as part of its aim…

Saudi Arabia gets a friend in need – Russia

OCTOBER 22, 2018 BY M. K. BHADRAKUMAR It goes without saying that oil has been central to military power and economic life in modern history. Control of oil has been a key source of power and policy in the Cold War. There…

The problem with Europe is the euro

by Joseph Stiglitz* In this extract from his new book, the Nobel prize-winning economist argues that if the euro is not radically rethought, Europe could be condemned to decades of broken dreams Europe, the source of the Enlightenment, the birthplace…

The Monster, Europe, Greece and the Retreat

The Principle of Opportune Action (Greek translation below) In the referendum on the 5th of July 62% of the Greek people who voted, voted “no”; no to the austerity terms proposed by the Troika at the time. When questioned if…

But the problem for Greece is not the Debt!

On one hand, there is the drama of the Greek people who find their saviour in Syriza; on the other hand, there is a farce between the latter and the rest of the EU, which swings from the serious to…

People over markets

By Marianella Kloka*. We have almost had a month of coalition government since the elections of the 25th of January. There is no doubt that throughout this period we have heard things that the majority of Greeks wanted to hear,…

Greece edges closer to an exit from the Euro as Germany gets ready to push

The game currently being played by members of the Eurozone to see who will change position first is coming into its final days. Greece is asking for time to come up with a new plan and to receive financing to…

Finance minister: Euro will collapse if Greece forced out

The Greek finance minister has warned that the euro will collapse if his country is forced out of the currency bloc. “The euro is fragile, it’s like building a castle of cards, if you take out the Greek card the…