
environmental crisis

Environmental journalism saves lives

Journalists are challenged to provide relevant information for necessary social change. Environmental reporting is essential. By María García de la Fuente* Renewable Energies, 4 May 2024 – We are living through a triple planetary crisis: the climate crisis, the loss…

Envi Groups Dismayed over Hijack of Plastics Treaty Negotiations by Petrochem and Plastics Interests

As the third negotiations (INC3) for a global plastics treaty closed earlier this week, civil society organizations from different countries were disappointed over the seeming failure to move closer to a strong and binding global plastic agreement to end plastic…

Ozone Troubles, Once Again

NASA: “Without ozone, the Sun’s intense UV radiation would sterilize the Earth’s surface.” It was 36 years ago in panic mode when the world came together like never before unanimously agreeing to ratify The Montreal Protocol, banning CFCs. This was…

Groups Seek Legally Binding Action to Stop the Global Contamination Crisis Caused by “Forever Chemicals”

9 March 2023.  Public interest organizations are seeking a legally binding response to the global contamination crisis and the resulting infringement on the UN-recognized human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment caused by the highly persistent and toxic…

VISION & GRIT: Exceptional Zero Waste Women In the Asia Pacific Region (2nd in the series)

Jane Bremmer: At the forefront of environmental justice by Johanna Poblete When Jane Bremmer and her partner Lee bought a weatherboard cottage in the outer suburban area of Perth called Bellevue, they had plans to build a ceramics business from home.…

COP27 Sponsor The Coca-Cola Company Named Worst Plastic Polluter for Five Years in a Row According to 2022 Brand Audit

Activists in the Philippines file legal complaint vs 7 corporations for dangerous plastic packaging, false ‘recyclable plastic’ claims The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, and Nestlé come in as the world’s top plastic polluters for five years running, according to Break Free…

Amazon Rainforest Crisis Report at COP27

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) issued a new Living Amazon Report, 2022 at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. The eye-opening report defines a horror story of human destruction of the world’s largest rainforest. There’s no other way to look at…

COP 25, “Calidad humana” and the Sixth Mass Extinction

By Prof. Dr. Roberto L. Mayorga* This article was published in Spanish some days before a surprising and massive social unrest burst throughout Chile during the last week of October, preventing COP25 (International Conference of the Parties for the Environment)…

July 2019 Was Hottest Month Since Records Began in 1880

By Julia Conley, As climate scientists raise alarm over hotter and hotter global temperatures, a top U.S. weather agency reported on Thursday that July 2019 was the hottest month the planet has ever experienced since the government began recording global…

Saving the Future

by John Scales Avery Only immediate climate action can save the future. If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon. A new book I have…