

Costa Rica has been running with only renewable energy for nearly 3 months

Costa Rica has reached an extraordinary milestone in the history of green energy, with the country operating solely on renewable energy for nearly 3 months. The strong rains in the region have allowed the country to completely give up fossil…

Cost of Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries Set to Be as High as $250-500 Billion Per Year By 2050

Human Wrongs Watch Despite public funding of climate change adaptation measures reaching as high as $26 billion in 2012-2013, a new United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report issued on 5 December 2014 predicts a significant funding gap after 2020 unless…

On International Day, UN Urges Protection of Environment from ‘Ravages of War’

Human Wrongs Watch From the contamination of land to the plundering of natural resources, the environment has long been a “silent casualty” of war, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 6 November 2014 affirmed as he warned that the fast-changing…

Role of Rural Women, Key for Required Economic, Environmental and Social Changes

Human Wrongs Watch This week, UN Women marks three UN observances that reflect women’s key role in development, beginning with International Day for Rural Women on 15 October, World Food Day on 16 October and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October.*  …

‘Global Economy to Lose $1 Trillion Annually Without Action to Stop Ocean Acidification’

  Human Wrongs Watch The global economy could be losing as much as $1 trillion annually by the end of the century if countries do not take urgent steps to stop ocean acidification, says a United Nations report launched on 8…

The Environment: Very Holistic, Very Dialectic

Human Wrongs Watch By Johan Galtung*, 29 Sep 2014 – TRANSCEND Media Service – “Trees won’t save the planet” is the title of an article in INYT (21-22 Sep 2014) by Nadine Unger, professor of atmospheric chemistry at Yale University. Her thesis: The…

Bangladesh: adolescent girls living in urban slums

The concentration of public health issues and adverse environmental circumstances in slums are increasingly important concerns for developing countries like Bangladesh. This country has experienced a steady growth in its urban population, most particularly in the capital city, Dhaka, ever…

Canada: Inuit genocide, mining and human rights

One thing environmentalists or historians rarely talk about is that mankind’s road to the destruction of cultures and the world began several thousand years ago and not in the Twentieth Century – with the introduction of agriculture. By Lionel Mok*…

Chomsky warns about growing threat of nuclear war in 2014

Renowned American linguist, philosopher and political commentator Noam Chomsky warns that the world is racing towards “environmental catastrophe” and “nuclear war” in 2014. Answering a question in an interview with about the contemporary issues which particularly concerns him, the…

Environmental laureates demand urgent change in global environmental and climate protection

Laureates from 44 countries propose two-speed model instead of search for the lowest common denominator within the international community Freiburg, Germany, 16 March 2013 – Until this coming Sunday, the 2nd International Convention of Environmental Laureates is being staged by…

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