

Everything is about energy, and energy is everything.

Everything we do requires energy, both internally and externally. As the world changes, accelerates, restructures, and transforms, do we have enough personal energy just to keep up? We are no longer floating in a calm lake; we are at sea,…

Generating energy from volcanic heat, a new alternative being explored in Colombia

In Caldas and Casanare, two geothermal energy projects are in the exploration and exploitation phase. This renewable energy has a very low environmental impact but poses significant financial challenges due to the high investment required. VILLAMARÍA, Colombia – The heat…

Electricity sharing opens a new window for BBIN countries.

Today, challenges like climate change, pandemics, energy reliance, economic crisis, and many more are concerning us. No nation can overcome these obstacles without the assistance and collaboration of other nations. Most importantly, many of these problems have international repercussions. South…

The Role of Energy in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

While securing territory is the Kremlin’s most obvious motivation, annexation is also tied to strengthening Russia’s energy position both regionally and globally. By John P. Ruehl After Russian forces seized Ukraine’s Kherson region at the beginning of its invasion, a Ukrainian official…

India Has a Key Role to Play in a Possible New World Order

In the first half of April 2022, India’s External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar made some revealing remarks at a press conference in Washington, D.C. He was standing beside U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd…

We Will Soon Be Using More Than The Earth Can Provide

By David Korten Four days after President Trump announced the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, the Global Footprint Network (GFN) reported that Earth Overshoot Day 2017 will fall on August 2. Most Americans likely have no idea what that means.…

Is Renewable Energy A Commons?

By Cecile Blanchet How relocating energy in the commons helps scaling-up renewables & saving energy Is energy a mere commodity, or is it a common good? Why is this relevant in the first place? Here we look at why energy…

Germany’s Energy Transition: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Human Wrongs Watch By Emilio Godoy* COLOGNE, Germany, 19 July 2016 (IPS) – Immerath, 90 km away from the German city of Cologne, has become a ghost town. The local church bells no longer ring and no children are seen in…

North Korea’s east wind, strong but warming

The voice of reason was heard following the Workers’ Party Congress in Pyongyang that ended recently. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un stated his country would not use nuclear weapons unless its sovereignty was infringed by others with nuclear arms.…

Indigenous Villagers Fight “Evil Spirit” of Hydropower Dam in Brazil

Human Wrongs Watch By Fabiana Frayssinet* SAWRÉ MUYBU, Brazil , 21 December 2015 (IPS) – At dusk on the Tapajós River, one of the main tributaries of the Amazon River in northern Brazil, the Mundurukú indigenous people gather to bathe…

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