

Far-Right Surge or Status Quo? Understanding the 2024 European Elections

Last month’s European Parliament elections did not bring about the ultimate breakthrough of the far right as some had feared. They are gaining influence though, especially because the lines between them and forces in the political center are blurring. Consequently,…

How Venezuela Is Overcoming the US Blockade

The future of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, a target of US imperial power since its inception in 1998, may be decided on July 28, the date of their presidential election. By Roger D. Harris Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro and seven other…

Biden, Trump or neither?

The President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world, I don’t think anyone doubts that. Perhaps that status will be short-lived, but for now it is. He is backed by money, weapons, including nuclear weapons,…

Open Letter to the Election Commission of India by the Farmers’ Movement Organization

To: Sri. Rajiv Kumar Honorable Chief Election Commissioner of India Subject: Apprehension on free and fair counting to 18th Lok Sabha election 2024- people’s will must prevail* Respected Sir, Please accept our warm greetings- On behalf of the farmers across…

Mexico and the certain triumph of the left

In journalism, it is always risky to make predictions, especially about election results. On 2 June, Mexico will go to the polls for a presidential election, as well as for a large number of state legislatures, governors, and other authorities…

South Korea’s Election Outcome: Opposition Party Triumphs, President Yoon Faces Diplomatic and Domestic Challenges

Opposition party wins in South Korea’s election, posing challenges for President Yoon’s governance and foreign relations, notably with China. Despite this, Yoon’s alignment with the U.S. and Japan is likely to continue, amid domestic concerns like inflation and medical strikes.…

Electoral engineering versus democracy

The Chilean case is a true expression of the fact that democracy is not just about holding periodic elections. On the contrary, the fundamental preoccupation of political parties can become a real obstacle to the genuine exercise of popular sovereignty.…

The Campaign of the Poor: a national call for a moral renaissance

This April 4 marks 56 years since the assassination of Martin Luther King, an immortal icon of the nonviolent struggle against discrimination and for equal rights and opportunities. The night before, King told a group of striking sanitation workers in…

Senegal: Opposition leader sworn in as president-elect

Bassirou Diomaye Faye has been sworn in as President of Senegal. In just a few weeks, Faye went from prison to the presidential palace in an electoral process that, despite the difficult path it took and the country’s difficult context,…

European elections 2024 – I vote for peace and against war

What is the basic ingredient of war? Many might think of weapons, ammunition, or money… but in reality, none of these are fundamental (though they can be useful). What really matters are people. To start a war, you first need…

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