

Hundreds of thousands demonstrate in Portugal against inflation and teachers’ salaries

More than 150,000 demonstrators took to the streets in Portugal, especially public-school teachers and many supportive citizens, to march through the centre of the capital city of Lisbon on Saturday to protest against skyrocketing inflation and the low salaries that…

History to reflect on and not to memorise

The history classes of my school days bring back both good and bad memories. It clearly depended on who was responsible for teaching it in the classroom and how they did it. Looking back, I understood that the study of…

Citizen criticism of processes: school and university admissions 2023 in Chile

With regard to the results of the PAES (university admission) and the chaotic admission process for the different establishments throughout the country, we must focus on this reality from the perspective of the right to education, foreseeing a chronic neglect…

Still I Rise to receive Mother Teresa Memorial Award for Social Justice in Mumbai

The organization is among this year’s awardees for its world-changing work in providing quality education to refugee children.  Still I Rise is among the recipients of the 18th Mother Teresa Memorial Award for Social Justice for its work providing high-quality…

Educational institutions are also in crisis

When we talk about education, we usually refer only to the teaching and learning dimension. Socio-emotional education is rarely addressed, and almost never its institutionalization. The discrediting of institutions also affects education: schools, high schools and colleges. Educational institutions are…

For the right to public education: care, transformation and social justice

At the 12th Regional Assembly of CLADE, the theme that concerns the network was discussed: the human right to education from the perspectives of the subjects of rights and actors who fight for the possibility of fully exercising this right…

Education: Putting lessons learned in pandemics into practice

There are more than five million students in primary and secondary education in more than ten thousand educational establishments in the country. The diversity is gigantic and no other state institution has the territorial coverage that education has. It is…

Mirada Violeta – The human right to education

The Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) is a plural network of civil society organisations, with a presence in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes social mobilisation and political advocacy to defend the…

I like the students who in recent history have rebelled against an education policy based on violence.

On my screen I read a news item (1) from emol that says: “Study reveals that 36% of educational establishments perceive worse levels of violence than in 2019”. Marcelo Castillo Duvauchelle First of all, I am very preoccupied by the…

Chile: Let’s revalue education

Figures released by the Chilean Ministry of Education on school dropout rates for the year 2021 indicate that nearly 40,000 school-age children and young people abandoned their studies in the last year, 53% of whom are male and 46%, female.…

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