

“Inequalities and Inclusion: Intersectionalities in Education” were at the center of the debate in CLADE’s Assembly

Today, Tuesday November 3, the virtual development of the 11th Regional Assembly of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) was continued. This time, inequalities were addressed as the central node of education in Latin America and…

Rights from the Beginning: New Challenges for Early Education from a Integral Perspective

Rights from the beginning is the slogan coined by the World Organization for Early Childhood Education – OMEP – which works in association with the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education – CLADE – since a few years…

Youth Encounter opens Regional Assembly of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education

With a brief ceremony with the Nahual, for the understanding and protection of the attending community, and the opening words of Nelsy Lizarazo, the General Coordinator of the Latin American Campaign fort he Right to Education (CLADE), the XI Regional…

Futures of Education

UNESCO has just launched a global initiative to reimagine how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet. UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative aims to rethink education and shape the future. The initiative is catalyzing a…

ETFO Emancipation Day is an opportunity to commit to ridding society of anti-Black racism

Emancipation Day, recognized on August 1, provides an opportunity for Ontario, its institutions and its people to commit to working towards a society that is rid of ongoing systemic and individual forms of anti-Black racism. While Ontario recognized the day…

Sam Hammond elected President-Designate of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation

“Our role must be to protect fundamental bargaining and labour rights, oppose privatization and commercialism and defend our profession and publicly-funded public education,” said Sam Hammond Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) President Sam Hammond was elected today to the…

Ontario Government ignores calls by educators for two-year implementation of math curriculum given pandemic’s impacts on student learning

“Educators, students and parents have all grappled with the stressful learning conditions forced on us by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said ETFO President am Hammond. The Ontario government is rushing the new math curriculum into public schools this September despite the…

Ontario Teachers. ETFO members ratify agreements at central bargaining tables

“Our goal was to defend public education and the working and learning conditions that have made Ontario’s education system one of the best in the world. While these negotiations were prolonged and difficult, our educators – with the support from…

ETFO members committed to supporting students during this uncertain period

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) understands the need for a plan and process for continuous learning for students in Ontario’s public education system during the temporary situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. “The ongoing well-being and success of…

Coronavirus. To cope with fear and anxiety Run This Way school program launch a digital well being campaign

“The request for well-being makes it possible to clarify the wishes for our future, it is similar to the good thoughts that we express through brotherhood and solidarity. We wanted to create a stream of sympathy for the students living…

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