
Economic Violence

USA: The shocking redistribution of wealth in the past five years

Anyone reviewing the data is likely to conclude that there must be some mistake. It doesn’t seem possible that one out of twenty American families could each have made a million dollars since Obama became President, while the average American…

The Other 98% Urges Wall Street to Donate $91 Billion in Bonuses to Victims of Financial Crisis

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 both hit record highs on Thursday while the NASDAQ surged to its highest level in over 13 years. The year-end rally is expected to add a boost to the massive bonuses Wall Street…

It’s France’s turn. Again: Who the hell are Standard and Poor!?

A couple of years ago I published an Article in Pressenza about Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). In the week that Standard and Poor decided to downgrade France it is worth repeating what was said then, because nothing has changed (for…

Food Stamps and Food Banks: austeritiy’s new “Special Relationship”

Democracy Now! [US]”Food Stamp Recipients Face “Hunger Cliff” as Deep Cuts Take Effect The more than 47 million people who receive food stamps in the United States will see a decrease in their aid beginning today as a temporary boost…

Zero-hour contracts, the new UK fashion in workers exploitation

A zero-hour contract is a type of contract used in the UK by an increasing number of firms which does not commit the employer to provide any specific work for the employee, who agrees to be available for work as…

Even Death Feels Weight of Crisis in Spain

BARCELONA, Spain, Aug 8 2013 (IPS) – Even in death, people in Spain cannot escape the economic crisis. Funeral services carry the highest VAT (value added tax) rate, alongside entertainment like nightclubs, and luxury products. “I paid over 7,000 euros…

Raw deal for migrant labour. A personal experience

By Diana Sala Coming from Latin America in a plane to Spain, I talked to the person sitting next to me. He turned out to be a temporary worker for the agricultural industry in Spain. Wondering about the type of…

The Universal Human Nation as the only future that opens possibilities

Presentation by Dr. Guillermo Sullings, Argentine economist and author of the book Beyond Capitalism, Mixed Economics Panel: “Turning a crisis into an opportunity: Humanising the Economy“, at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Organised by Pressenza, International Press Agency ”We…

The G8 Summit, lemmings and ostriches

Neither ostriches bury their heads in the sand nor lemmings commit mass suicide, these are popular myths now disproven. But humans do both and nothing like the G8 Summit to exemplify such behaviours. As usual, the G8 will gather shortly…

The economic Para-State in its yearly show of strength. Bilderberg comes to Watford, UK

It may sound like a joke as Watford is not a very glamorous place. But the meeting is taking place in a expensive countryside manor house/hotel, with all the luxury its rich and powerful members are accustomed to. They do…

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