
economic growth

Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty: economic growth is not the answer

Economic growth is not the solution to eradicating global poverty, warned Olivier De Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights. According to De Schutter, the traditional strategy of promoting economic growth to fight poverty has created…

A manifesto for the Coronacene

Herbert Girardet Can we initiate a global green recovery, embedding economics within sound ecological parameters? The global impacts of Covid-19 have left humanity reeling. This virtually invisible virus has greatly amplified an ongoing planetary emergency and reminded us of the fragility of the…

Economic growth: a short history of a controversial idea

The relentless pursuit of GDP growth is being challenged from environmental and well-being standpoints. But where did the idea come from? By Gareth Dale for openDemocracy The politics of economic growth are complex and contested as never before. In rich…

Exponential Growth

Human Wrongs Watch By John Scales Avery* 15 June 2015 – Exponential growth of any quantity with time has some remarkable characteristics, which we ought to try to understand better, since this understanding will help us to predict the future.…

“Eradicating Poverty Goes ‘Hand in Hand’ with Biodiversity Protection”

  Human Wrongs Watch The protection of biodiversity is directly related to the eradication of poverty and stimulation of economic growth, senior United Nations officials on 15 October 2014 stressed at a meeting in Republic of Korea, calling on countries…

517 Million International Tourists in Only Six Months

  Human Wrongs Watch International tourist arrivals grew by 4.6% in the first half of 2014 according to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. Destinations worldwide received some 517 million international tourists between January and June 2014, 22 million more than…