
Economic crisis

Inflation, economic crisis and uncertainty in Bangladesh

In January 2009, when the Awami League came to power through a landslide victory in December’s general elections, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina saw terrorism and militancy as key factors threatening the security of the entire region. During the 2001-2006 rule…

Wednesday 7th October: neo-fascism will be defeated in the court of law and in our global consciousness

A year and a half ago the European editorial teams of PRESSENZA have proposed to the Global Forum of DW (media partner of Pressenza) to host an event on the golden dawn trial. We were about to invite (own costs)…

The system is going to fall soon… everywhere. Part 2

What we can do…concretely A few months ago we wrote an article with the same title as the present one. That was before the Covid-19 virus. At that time it seemed unreal that this system which at that moment appeared…

Ten stories you might have missed because of coronavirus

As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the world and dominates the headlines, it is easy to forget that life goes on outside of the virus. From the US democratic primaries to the ongoing migrant crisis in the eastern Mediterranean to, here…

George Monbiot: how do we get out of this mess?

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Donald Trump. North Korea. Hurricanes. Neoliberalism. Is there any hope of a better world? Yes, but we have to come together to tell a new, kinder story explaining who we are, and how we…

Interview with Yanis Varoufakis: How The Greek People’s Magnificent “No” Became “Yes”

In this interview with Yanis Varoufakis hosted by the Real News Network and translated by acTVism Munich, Yanis Varoufakis talks about his time as the finance minister of Greece and the launch of his new movement called Democracy in Europe…

VIDEO: Yanis Varoufakis – The Origins of the European & Global Economic Crisis

In this video, acTVism Munich interviews Yanis Varoufakis, a world renowned economist who was a former member of the Greek parliament. He gained immense popularity when he served as finance minister (27 January 2015 – 6 July 2015) for the Greek…

The story of a public debt, five years later…

Greece has been in the spotlight for several years now. The debt crisis has overshadowed its blue face. However, Greeks have not have enough information about what they were being asked to pay until recently. The first to ask for…

World Tourism Tops 1.1 Billion in 2014

Human Wrongs Watch The number of international tourists reached 1.13 billion in 201, 4, 51 million more than in 2013, on trend for the fifth consecutive year of above average growth since the 2009 economic crisis, the United Nations World…

The Cost of Austerity in Greece

Athens, Paris, 18 December 2014 Austerity measures adopted in response to the economic crisis have adversely impacted human rights, such as the rights to work and health, and curtailed fundamental freedoms in Greece, denounce FIDH and its member organisation the…

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