

The Disintegrated Mind: The Greatest Threat to Human Survival on Earth

Like many people who have struggled to understand why human beings are driving the sixth mass extinction event in Earth’s history, which now threatens imminent human extinction as well, over many decades I have explored the research and efforts of…

World’s Youth Blow Bubbles For the Earth; While Voters Say No To Carbon Tax & Life

By Irwin Jerome The youth of the world everywhere blow bubbles on behalf of Mother Earth in support of implementing in every nation things like, a: Carbon Tax; New Green Deal; Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground; institute a World…

Development Network Pushes for ‘Rights of Nature’ Law

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – A social development and advocacy network is aiming for a legislative path that will provide Mother Nature its own legal rights and be recognized through a law. Recognizing ‘Rights of Nature’ means that human activities and…

Rights of Nature Campaign Launch to be held at the Threatened Arroceros Forest Park

The launching of the ‘Rights of Nature (RoN) Campaign’ at Arroceros Forest Park in Manila is made more significant with the plan of the Manila City government to destroy the park and turn it to a commercial space and school…

Science Crucial to Global Environment Facility (GEF) Action

The Science and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP), establishing a sense of urgency, deployed scientific analysis to set priorities to guide the investment of newly replenished funds allocated to solve our persistent and worsening global environment woes. At the Global Environment…

China’s Determined March Towards An Ecological Civilization

By Andre Vltchek There is no time for long introductions. The world is, possibly heading for yet another catastrophe. This one, if we, human beings will not manage to prevent it, could become our final. The West is flexing its…

Bust that Philippine Mining Act!

PMPI Statement on the anniversary of the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 Bust that Philippine Mining Act! The Philippine Mining Act of 1995 was born out of global pressure from international markets to open up the Philippines’ mineral resources, particularly…

PMPI Press Statement on Mining Cancellations and Suspensions in the Philippines

When President Duterte assumed office, he promised that his administration would look into the state of minng in the country, especially with regards to its impact on the environment and on the surrounding communities. He nominated a staunch environmental advocate as…

Protest for agro-ecology, against Bayer and Monsanto

Hundreds of people were seen walking the streets of Bordeaux from the ‘Place de la Victoire’ on Saturday May 20th, demonstrating against the multinationals of the agriculture and agronomy sectors. Not only could we see banners from militant organisations such…

Worldwide, a Trillion Single-use Plastic Bags Are Used Each Year, Nearly 2 Million Each Minute

  Human Wrongs Watch By Earth Policy Institute*, 16 October 2014 — Worldwide, a trillion single-use plastic bags are used each year, nearly 2 million each minute. The amount of energy required to make 12 plastic shopping bags could drive a car…

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