
Ecology and Environment

Environmental group launches children’s rights for a safe and healthy environment campaign

As part of their advocacy to promote child rights and sound chemicals and wastes management, environmental group BAN Toxics, in partnership with Dr. Yanga Colleges Inc. (DYCI) and the Diocese of Malolos, launched the Children’s Rights for a Safe and…

Greenland is Worse Than Ever, Much Worse

A new study finds Greenland’s ice sheet thinning much further into the ice sheet core than previously thought, 100 miles inland. (Source: S. Khan, et al, Extensive Inland Thinning and Speed-Up of North- East Greenland Stream, Nature, November 9, 2022)…

30 By 30: Wild Land Workers Need a Fivefold Salary Increase to save 30% of Global Wild Lands by 2030

The first-ever study of its kind stresses that earnings of natural park staff  must increase for the health of life on Earth Governments around the world have come together to potentially commit to protect 30% of the planet’s wild lands by 2030. The…

Kiss the Amazon Goodbye?

The ecosystems of the world that support life, like Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, have an incompatible relationship with far-right governments, like the United States under Trump, who took a baseball bat to the EPA.  According to Christine Todd Whitman, who headed…

“Barbechas”: Protectors of the Environment in Tunisia

“Barbechas” of Tunisia are some of the most underrated workers in the country. Though their work is difficult and precarious, it is important as it helps protect the environment from plastic waste. The term “barbechas” refers to people in Tunisia…

Sex, Motherhood, and Extinction: The Unique and Extinct Saint Helena Giant Earwig

ENDANGERED/EXTINCT SPECIES/ ESSAY Let’s talk about sex It’s a shame that one can’t observe the courtship ritual of Saint Helena Island’s (SHI) earwig. Because within this bug group, courtship is a surprisingly elaborate affair. First, the male taps and strokes…

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