
Ecology and Environment

Grocery Chains to Ban Use of Neonics by Suppliers, in Move to Protect Pollinators

Some grocery chains are moving to help protect pollinators by requiring their suppliers to stop using nitroguanidine neonicotinoids, or neonics. Chains including Whole Foods and Kroger have recently outlined policies that will ban the use of neonics in crop production.…

Vanishing Ice, Vanishing Giants: The Urgent Tale of Polar Bears on International Polar Bear Day

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB   International Polar Bear Day, celebrated on February 27th, highlights the plight of polar bears amidst the melting Arctic ice and climate change. It’s a day that calls for global awareness and action towards preserving these…

The Majestic Hippopotamus: Gentle Giants of the Waterways

by: Assaf Levy The hippopotamus, often simply referred to as a hippo, is a creature that fascinates and delights those who are fortunate enough to witness it in its natural habitat. These semi-aquatic mammals, known for their massive bodies, wide-open…

PMPI General Assembly 2024: Commemorates Twenty Years of Transformative Advocacy

The Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. (PMPI) is thrilled to announce the upcoming 7th General Assembly (GA) scheduled to take place this 4-7 March 2024 at Acacia Hotel in Bacolod, Negros Occidental. This year marks a significant milestone as PMPI commemorates…

Neanderthal Virus Exposure in the 21st Century

Across the entire breadth of the Northern Hemisphere Arctic permafrost is rapidly melting. Nobody knows what strange pathogen is going to pop out from within tons upon tons of permafrost muck. More significantly, imagine the public anxiety if scientists detect…

Too Much Heat, Past and Present

The ultimate consequences of global warming are difficult to truly understand by the public, policymakers, and by pretty much everybody. In their hearts, they do not want to believe it’ll cause an extinction event. That’s simply too hard to believe,…

The State of Capitalism’s Climate System

Three years ago, 15,000 scientists declared a climate emergency by signing onto a State of the Climate Report. That signing led to annual updates, for example, the most recent version: The 2023 State of the Climate Report: Entering Uncharted Territory,…

Santo Niño Fiestas Urged to Do Without Single-Use Plastic Banderitas

13 January 2024, Quezon City.  A group advocating for a zero waste and toxics-free society has again appealed to communities across the country that are about to celebrate the highly popular feast of Santo Niño to refrain from hanging single-use…

A Book about Critically Endangered Animals is now Out

LOVE FOR LIVING ANIMALS Author Mona Sabalones Gonzalez Main Photographer Elizabeth Barrett   “The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchild may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book? “– David Attenborough…

Antarctica Under Siege and XR Takes a Radical Turn

Antarctica has finally succumbed to rapid climate change. This past year (2023) brought changes to the icy continent that left climate scientists feeling a “punch in the gut.” (Source: Red Alert in Antarctica: The Year Rapid Dramatic Change Hit Climate…

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