
Ecological Crisis

The nationalism of hate is a partner of corporate neoliberalism.

Vandana Shiva (Dehradun, 1952) is one of the most renowned ecofeminist activists and intellectuals of our time. A PhD in quantum physics, she was one of the founders of the World Social Forum, a pioneer in opening up the debate…

Chernobyl is everywhere!

Start: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 • 8:00 PM • Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (GMT+03:00) Host Contact Info: “Chernobyl is everywhere.” Back in 1986, just after the nuclear meltdown in the north of Ukrainian SSR, the philosopher Günther Anders adjusted his previous slogan “Hiroshima is everywhere”…

Philippine consumer and environmental groups urge government to tackle plastic pollution at source: ban single-use plastics

12 March 2021. Consumer advocacy group Laban Konsyumer Inc. and environmental health group EcoWaste Coalition have jointly urged the government to tackle plastic pollution at source such as by banning single-use plastics (SUPs). Through a joint statement to mark this…