

Stop torture and inhumane treatment at Europe’s borders

Launched a European mobilization by associations, movements, committees, parties, activists, volunteers, activists with the instrument of the ECI, the European Citizens’ Initiative. We are activists of Stop Border Violence, an Association formed in January last year, to promote an ECI…

How can we influence European policies as citizens?

May 9th, Europe Day, through a new initiative, also becomes EU Sign Day, and is calling on European citizens to sign the European Citizens’ Initiatives and in that way strengthen their participation in the EU policies. 9th of May is…

German Catholic Workers throw support behind Europe-wide push for unconditional basic income

By: Cameron Doody – In light of the pandemic, “it is more than clear that we need an unconditional basic income in Europe” “In view of the effects of the pandemic measures, it is more than clear that we need an…