
Doomsday Clock

An Open Letter To The People Of Japan From Concerned Peace Organizations and Citizens of The United States

—In observance of the 74th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Japan— We, the undersigned, representing a coalition of concerned peace organizations and citizens of the United States are advocating for abolition of nuclear weapons globally. We are gathering here,…

00:00:10 Seconds To Midnight

By Jim Miles I have lived my whole life under the notifications of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and their Doomsday Clock. It is currently set a two minutes to midnight after many years of variance, some as far…

It is now 2 minutes to midnight!

We republish the press statement, released on the 25th of January, 2018 from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Citing growing nuclear risks and unchecked climate dangers, the iconic Doomsday Clock is now 30 seconds closer to midnight, the closest to…

It is now two and a half minutes to midnight

By the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. It is now two and a half minutes to midnight.  For the first time in the 70-year history of the Doomsday Clock, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board has moved…

Doomsday Clock: nuclear arsenals more dangerous now than during the Cold War

Today, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists kept the “Doomsday clock” at three minutes to midnight, the closest it has been since the height of the Cold War in 1983. Despite the successful Paris Agreement on Climate, the current nuclear arsenals and their modernisation…

Three minutes from apocalypse?

The “doomsday clock”, a respected measure of the world’s nearness to catastrophe, is again on the move. By Juan Gabriel Tokatlian [1] for openDemocracy At the very point of origin of the cold war, June 1947, a group of scientists…

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