
Donald Trump

Lost Causes, from the Confederacy to Trump

President Donald Trump has embarked on a lost cause akin to that embraced by Southerners after the Confederacy was crushed. That historical “Lost Cause” falsely posited that the U.S. Civil War was fought not to defend slavery, but, rather, to…

Pentagon Leadership Reshuffle Prompts Fears of “Slow Moving Trump Coup”

Former Pentagon officials are expressing alarm over President Trump’s firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the purge of other top officials at the Pentagon and National Security Agency following the election. Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen said Trump’s…

The US was lucky to get Trump – Biden may pave the way for a more competent autocrat

Only if the president-elect is willing to fight big money and redistribute wealth can he stop the rise of someone far worse than Trump It brought a tear to the eye and a hand to the heart. Joe Biden, in…

Joe Biden Calls Trump’s Refusal to Concede Presidential Election an “Embarrassment”

President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team says it may sue Emily Murphy, a Trump appointee who heads the General Services Administration, for refusing to sign a letter of “ascertainment” certifying Biden’s win. Without the letter, Biden’s transition team cannot access government…

The Voters Speak: In Squad We Trust

The national election left many Democrats reeling from the depth of support for President Donald Trump. Joe Biden may still eke out an Electoral College victory, while winning the popular vote by more than 3.5 million. With intense focus on…

Biden Takes Lead in Georgia & Pennsylvania, Moving Him Closer to Presidency

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has taken a roughly 900-vote lead in Georgia and 5,500-vote lead in Pennsylvania as mail-in ballots continue to be counted in key battleground states. According to the Associated Press, which has already called Arizona for…

Trump’s Path to Victory Narrows as Biden Nears 270 Electoral College Votes

The presidential race remains too close to call, but Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is closing in on securing enough electoral votes to win, after news outlets projected him winning two key states in the Midwest: Wisconsin and Michigan. According…

Trump Falsely Claims Reelection Victory as Battleground States Continue Count

Shortly before 1 a.m., Trump took to Twitter to accuse Democrats of trying to steal the election, without offering any proof at all. Then, just after 2:20 a.m., Trump addressed the nation. President Donald Trump: “This is a major fraud…

What Will Happen If Trump Gets Re-elected?

By Dr. Partha Banerjee And there is still a high chance that Trump will get re-elected, especially if white voters with no college education turn out in huge numbers on November 3, and at the same time Biden voters —…

Trump Lies; The Numbers Don’t

“All governments lie,” legendary, independent journalist I.F. Stone wrote in 1965, critiquing official U.S. statements on the “progress” of the Vietnam War. He added, speaking of President Lyndon Johnson, “It is dangerous to trust anything he says.” Half a century…

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