
Donald Trump

New Yorkers Rally to say ‘Not My President’s Day’

This Presidents’ Day, a protest called the Not My President Rally took place in New York with thousands of demonstrators coming together on Central Park West and at Columbus Circle near Trump International Tower. Protesters stretching at least eight blocks chanted “He…

“For-Profit President”: A Look at How Trump Is Pushing Wholesale Corporate Takeover of the Gov’t

There has been a wholesale corporate takeover of the government. That’s the conclusion of a new report coming out today by the watchdog group Public Citizen. The report looks at how corporate America has benefited from Trump’s first month in…

Anti-Trump Demonstrations Continue in the US and in Great Britain

Anti-Trump demonstrations continue nationally and worldwide, as thousands of protesters took the streets across the U.S. over the weekend. In New York City, activists, flanked by a marching band and carrying a casket, staged a New Orleans-style mock funeral for…

Intelligence Agencies Clash With Trump Over Russia Allegations

by Tom Eley Only one month into his administration, and two days after the ouster of his National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump faces the growing prospect of congressional investigations into alleged ties to Moscow. Powerful sections of…

Colorado: Undocumented Mother Seeks Sanctuary in Denver Church

In Denver, Colorado, an undocumented mother of four sought refuge in a church Wednesday, after ICE officials denied her request to remain in the country. Jeanette Vizguerra skipped a scheduled check-in with ICE officials and instead brought her family to the First Unitarian Society…

Milwaukee, March for “Day Without Latinos, Immigrants and Refugees”

Resistance to the Muslim travel ban, as well as Trump’s crackdown against immigration and immigrants currently living in the United States, continues nationwide. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, tens of thousands of people marched Monday for a “Day Without Latinos, Immigrants and…

Thousands Demonstrate In Defense Of Immigrants As White House Vows More Deportations

By Tom Eley Demonstrations in the US continued over the weekend against last week’s mass roundup of immigrants, the first “surge” in deportations since President Donald Trump signed a January 25 executive order dramatically expanding the purview of anti-immigrant police…

Thousands Gather on California Beaches to Resist Trump

In California 5,000 people participated on February 11 in a “RESIST!!” event against Trump’s administration on Ocean Beach in San Francisco, in the towns of Pacifica and Ventura, and on Wright’s Beach in Sonoma County, forming the word “Resist!” on…

Construction Begins on Final Section of Dakota Access Pipeline

In North Dakota, construction crews have resumed work on the final section of the Dakota Access pipeline, after the Trump administration granted an easement to allow Energy Transfer Partners to drill beneath the Missouri River. The construction resumed as opponents…

Appeals Court Upholds Injunction on Trump Travel and Refugee Ban

A federal appeals court in San Francisco has unanimously upheld a suspension of President Trump’s executive order barring all refugees from entering the U.S. and restricting travel from seven Muslim-majority countries. Thursday’s decision is a stinging blow to the Trump…

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