
Donald Trump

Rome Resists!

Tuesday May 23rd  19:30 Piazza Bologna, Rome #UnitedWeStand At the end of May, Donald Trump, President of the United States, travels to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, and Belgium. These past months Trump has caused outrage all over the world: he is dividing…

Appeals Court Hears Arguments over Trump’s Second Muslim Travel Ban

A federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia, heard arguments over Trump’s second travel ban, which sought to ban all refugees and citizens of six majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. The 13-judge panel appeared to be divided over the…

Impeach Trump for Right Reasons

By David Swanson The Constitution suddenly seems to have bestirred itself and declared itself, through its many Washington spokespeople, to be in crisis. I’m sorry, interjects the world, but what the hell took you so long? We laid out the…

House GOP Health Bill Could Put Coverage Out of Reach of Millions

The House of Representatives on Thursday voted narrowly to do away with the Affordable Care Act, replacing it with a healthcare bill that would dramatically roll back Medicaid, provide hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to the wealthy,…

As Trump Stokes Fear Among Immigrants, a Movement Builds on May Day

Arturo Hernandez, like so many millions of immigrants, came to the United States in order to forge a better life for his family. He is one of the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants without whom the U.S. economy would…

IPPNW statement on Korea crisis

The persistent tensions on the Korean peninsula are rapidly escalating into a crisis fueled by mutual fears, provocations, and the volatile temperaments of two unpredictable, nuclear-armed heads of state. The current US administration seems determined to “resolve” the situation through…

March for Science in 500 cities around the world

On April 22, 500 events took place in 40 countries around the world to raise public awareness of the importance of science and research and support them against the attacks launched by US President Donald Trump, his plans to reduce…

Separating Fact from Fake News

Danny Katch, author of Socialism…Seriously: A Brief Guide to Human Liberation, considers how the left can analyze the world in the Trumpian era of “alternative facts.” ALL GOVERNMENTS lie, as the independent journalist I.F. Stone once said. But not all…

U.S. Peace Activists in Rome Issue Arrest Warrant for Donald Trump

Most states allow a “citizen’s arrest” of whoever is caught committing a felony, should the police fail to intervene.  Since Trump’s missile attack against Syria constituted a crime of aggression (a felony) and since no law enforcement agency has acted…

Trump’s Making Good on One of His Many Campaign Promises: Promoting Unfettered Police Power

As the world focuses on state violence from Syria to Iraq to Yemen to North Korea, the groundwork is being laid in the United States for unchecked state violence here at home. Donald Trump is making good on at least…

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