
Donald Trump

‘Rome resists’, US expats protest against Trump

When President Donald Trump of the United States visited Rome on 23rd May, dozens of Americans living in Italy organised a sit-in on Piazza Bologna to protest against the policies of the White House, 100 days after his election as…

Let the media coverage of Manchester victims be a model for all young victims of war

Donald Trump, the so-called leader of the free world, made his first foreign visit as president to an absolute monarchy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a petrostate legendary for its complete absence of democratic institutions and rampant violations of human…

Protest March “Trump Not Welcome” in Brussels

On May 24th  WaterProtectors Rachel Heaton, Wasté Win Young, Rafael Gonzalez & Nataani Means were at the #TrumpNotWelcome demo in Brussels for social rights, against sexism, racism and discrimination, for peace and a livable world, together with 9.000 protestors. They opened the rally…

Trump in Riyadh – A Gulf NATO to gang up against Iran and Syria

Today, I am proud to say that NATO has a new home in the Gulf region. And that we have opened a new chapter in our deepening partnership. NATO S-G, Jens Stoltenberg, in Kuwait on January 24, 2017 By Jan…

Trump’s Speech In Riyadh Signals US Escalation Against Iran

By Bill Van Auken Riddled with hypocrisy, clichés and absurdities, President Donald Trump’s speech Sunday before an assembly of monarchs and despots in Saudi Arabia spelled out an agenda of escalating US militarism throughout the Middle East and a buildup…

Donald Trump’s High Crimes and Misdemeanors

President Donald Trump’s alleged attempt to quash the FBI investigation into his former national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, and his subsequent firing of FBI Director James Comey, has rightly inspired endless speculation in the mainstream media about whether…

The Arrogance of the Completely Corrupt

What does the White House meltdown following Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey tell us about the political system today, ask Danny Katch and Alan Maass. SO WHICH was it? Was James Comey fired because Donald Trump is an…

Conversation with Maria Pabón on how President Trump Differs from Obama’s Immigration Policies

By Jhon Sánchez It could have been me facing a deportation proceeding. During the time I applied for asylum, I had frequent nightmares where I heard my name ‘Jhon Sanchez,’ announced in a court; my wrists were shackled and I…

Leave Russia the Блядь Out of U.S. Scandals

In Moscow earlier this week I mentioned to a Russian friend that racists in my town in Virginia were chanting fascist and confederate slogans plus “Russia is our friend!” He replied: “But we never had slavery; we had serfdom.” He…

Border Angels Resist Trump’s Immigration Crackdown with Services and Water for Border-Crossing Migrants

AMY GOODMAN: Attorney General Sessions and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly recently visited the San Diego-Tijuana border, where they vowed to crack down on sanctuary cities and urged local officials to fully cooperate with federal immigration agents. This is Sessions, followed…

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