
Donald Trump

A Trump in a china shop

Not many expected it to be so bad. But Trump’s election has already led to a series of measures that make this time one of the most dangerous in history, including raising the possibility of nuclear war to new heights.…

Trump: A catalyst for the peace movement?

by Dr. Dieter Duhm. Donald Trump is the commander-in-chief of the biggest military force on Earth. There’s no societal power above him, that’s why he can do whatever he wants. What does he want? Or does he, perhaps, not have…

Opposite of Peace as Trump accused of ‘kicking hornet’s nest’ in Middle East

Declaring Jerusalem the capital shows “yet again his blatant disregard for international law” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams With his usual braggadocio and familiar hypocrisy, President Donald Trump claimed on Wednesday that his official announcement for the…

Impeach! A Letter From Michael Moore

It is time to remove this dangerous man from office. I have just signed the “Need To Impeach” petition initiated by Tom Steyer of California. Over two million other Americans have also signed it. And that number keeps growing every hour. We…

One Year After Hell Froze Over

Danny Katch, author of the new book When Bad Governments Happen to Good People, looks back at the election that gave us the nightmare that is Donald Trump. ONE YEAR ago on November 8, Donald Trump was elected the leader…

Yanis Varoufakis on Global Capitalism & how Trump’s tax plan is Class War against the poor

President Trump and House Republicans have unveiled their long-promised proposal to reform America’s tax code, with Trump calling it a “big, beautiful Christmas present” for the American people. Critics say the gift is a tax cut for the richest Americans.…

Federal Judge in Maryland Deals Second Blow to Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

A federal judge in Maryland has blocked parts of President Trump’s most recent travel ban, dealing a second blow to Trump’s effort to block citizens from eight countries from entering the United States. In Wednesday’s ruling, Maryland District Judge Theodore…

Trump to Tsipras: You’re one of our best clients!

“I want to thank the Prime Minister and the Greek people for serving as gracious hosts to our US naval forces at Souda bay. I also commend Greece for being one of the few NATO countries currently spending at least…

Federal Judge Halts Most of President Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

A federal judge in Hawaii blocked most of President Trump’s latest version of a travel ban Tuesday, just hours before it was set to take effect. U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson, who previously blocked plans by the administration to ban…

World under threat from “rogue” Trump

By Tony Robinson for DiEM25. US President Donald Trump’s refusal to recertify the Iran Nuclear Deal effectively sets a bomb ticking beneath it. The deal was the product of years of diplomatic moves by the international community to prevent Iran…

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