
Donald Trump

7 Questions About the Syria Airstrikes That Aren’t Being Asked

by Richard Eskow “Mission accomplished,” says the President. What, exactly, was the mission? And what exactly was accomplished? Donald Trump is being mocked for using this phrase in a tweet to praise what he claims was a “perfectly executed” airstrike…

The Coward-in-Chief’s Cruel War on Migrants

Donald Trump is displaying his full cruelty, but there is also widespread opposition to his reactionary agenda that it needs to be mobilized for action, writes Danny Katch. EVERY YEAR around Easter–the day when Christians celebrate a poor Jewish carpenter…

On Track for Extinction: Can Humanity Survive?

Anyone reading the scientific literature (or the progressive news outlets that truthfully report this literature) knows that homo sapiens sapiens is on the fast track to extinction, most likely some time between 2025 and 2040. For a taste of the…

Donald Trump’s Tariff War

By Dr Binoy Kampmark “To protect our Country, we must protect American Steel!” Donald J. Trump, Twitter, Mar 5, 2018 As an agent of chaos, US President Donald Trump is keeping busy.  Last week’s announcement that tariffs will be imposed…

The Bangsamoro Basic Law: What it means for peace in Mindanao

I was born and bred a Catholic living in Metro Manila, Luzon, far from the on-going conflict in Mindanao But last year, watching the Marawi siege on TV in the safety of my home, seeing fellow Filipinos fighting each other,…

The world’s most dangerous document hits the front pages…

Did you see the in-depth coverage today on top of your news media? By Jan Oberg No it didn’t. The mainstream media are totally irresponsible in their priorities. At the moment of writing, five hours after the world’s most dangerous…

The Stateless of the Union: Trump’s War on Immigrants

President Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union address Tuesday night. It was to be his clarion call to bipartisanship. Instead, under the guise of a compromise position on the fate of nearly 800,000 DACA (Deferred Action for…

Lies, Damn Lies, and Nuclear Posture Reviews

By David Swanson Did you hear the one about the “safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent”? There is, of course, nothing safe or secure about producing, maintaining, or threatening to use nuclear weapons. Nor is there evidence that they have…

Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review Is a Dangerous Step Backward

By Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy | The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) released today at the Pentagon ignores international legal obligations of the United States and increases the risks of nuclear war. Prepared by the Department of Defense in…

Leaked Trump Nuclear Posture Review aims to continue Obama weapons modernization, with significant tweaks

By Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group. Aims to Restore Nuclear-tipped Cruise Missiles on Some Attack Submarines Calls for Low-Yield Submarine Ballistic Missile Warhead Option Ends “Interoperable” Warhead Program Retains 1.2 Megaton Bomb A leaked “pre-decisional” copy of…

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