
Donald Trump

End families separation. Protests all over the world

Protests are spreading in the US and all over the world to tell Donald Trump and his administration to stop separating immigrant kids from their parents. On Thursday, June 28th, Women’s March and partners  are organizing a mass civil disobedience in…

Kim-Trump Summit: Hardcore War Mongers Aren’t Happy

By Farooque Chowdhury The hardcore warmongers aren’t happy with the just completed Kim-Trump Singapore summit. The warmongers love warmongering and war as these increase their amount and rate of profit. Reactions to the latest diplomatic development in the Korea region…

Donald Trump was right. The rest of the G7 were wrong

He gets almost everything wrong. But last weekend Donald Trump got something right. To the horror of the other leaders of the rich world, he defended democracy against its detractors. Perhaps predictably, he has been universally condemned for it. His…

Joint statement by Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un

Pressenza publishes here the full text of the statement issued by President Trump of the USA and Chairman Kim of North Korea. President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong-un of the State Affairs…

ICAN Singapore Summit Response Press Release

As Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump signed an “agreement” in Singapore today, ICAN welcomes the diplomatic efforts but warns that only a process based in international law and existing treaty frameworks will achieve nuclear disarmament and fully denuclearise the Korean…

New War Opponents

By David Swanson For those of us who fully expected most U.S. peace activists to vanish once Barack Obama became president but expected them to come back once Donald Trump ascended the throne, the failure of our second expectation has…

Blood and resistance in Palestine on the day of the Nakba

May 14, 2018 – Blood flowed in Palestine today. It was the seventieth anniversary of Ben Gurion‘s proclamation of the State of Israel, a state created out of Palestinian land by expelling thousands of Palestinian families from their homes. In…

Forces of Corruption Are Horrified of a Trump Impeachment

By David Swanson If you do a daily web search for “impeachment,” here’s what you’ll get used to seeing. Most use of impeachment is outside the United States. Most use of impeachment within the United States is outside of Washington,…

ICAN seeks parliamentary support in Spain as Trump breaks the Iran nuclear deal

ICAN representatives set to meet members of the Spanish Congress as President Trump pushes the doomsday clock closer to midnight. “Today’s announcement by US President Donald Trump to de-certify the JCPOA (the Iran Deal) raises tensions even higher and threatens…

Syria and Press Propaganda

By Margareth Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, 18/04/2018 Originally posted here “Trump protects himself with war as Democrats and the rest of the ruling elite support his militarism.” It is difficult for Americans to find out what is happening in their…

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