

We continue to believe in Peace

On February 25th 2022, as World without Wars and Violence, we issued a press release that began “Haven’t the 150 million people killed in the two world wars been enough?” We urged, on the one hand, the governments of the…

2022: Nobel Committee Gets Peace Prize Wrong Yet Again

The Nobel Committee has yet again awarded a peace prize that violates the will of Alfred Nobel and the purpose for which the prize was created, selecting recipients who blatantly are not “the person who has done the most or best to…

Editorial: Getting Out of the Upside Down

As the second week of NPT Review Conference concludes and the nuclear-armed states start to flex their “we can’t accept any commitments because of the international security environment” muscles, a metaphor for our present condition comes to mind: we are…

Activists turn Madrid Army War College into Peace School ahead of NATO Summit

More than fifty activists from different parts of Spain and linked to various anti-militarist, environmental, feminist, trade union and climate protection organisations have carried out a nonviolent direct action at the Army War College in Madrid. The groups that took…

Closing statement from the Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons

The following is the closing statement given by the Austrian Foreign Ministry on June 20th, 2022 at the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear War.  Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, We have heard today highly informative presentations and…

Three countries ratify nuclear weapon ban treaty on eve of historic Vienna meeting

As the international community gathers in Vienna for the first meeting of states parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), three more countries have ratified the landmark United Nations agreement, bringing the total number of parties…

Peace Woman enters Nuclear Base via Canoe

On 14th June, the 5th day of the FABB camp, Ginnie Herbert entered the naval base at Coulport. She was accompanied by 3 other peace and environmental activists in their single canoes with banners flying. 2 independent press photographers witnessed…

All Central American nations have now ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

With the first meeting of states parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) just one week away, Guatemala has become the 62nd country to join the landmark agreement. Its foreign minister, Mario Búcaro, deposited the country’s…

The fight against all kinds of violence is possible!

On Sunday 1st May, various organisations led by World without Wars and without Violence – Peru met for the launch of the National Campaign for Peace and Active Nonviolence, which will walk 131.5 kilometres between 4th May and 23rd October…

South Sudanese villagers asked to hand in their weapons

Authorities in the central state of Warrap, South Sudan, today reiterated their call for civilians to turn in hundreds of weapons in their possession, in order to reduce communal violence in the territory. The appeal by the state governor, General…

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