

Towards a society that dignifies and empowers all disabled people without discrimination

Towards the African Humanist Forum, communities and local NGO’s put into practice Humanist values. In Kisumu County in Kenya, Lavina Achieng Odour shares with Pressenza her experience in supporting children affected by Spina Bifida (SB), Hydrocephalus (HC) and other disabilities.…

Bangladesh: ramping it up for the disabled

Students of the department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka organized a human chain and rally on Monday, November 10, 2014 at the premise of Aporajeyo Bangla to demand ramps in all academic institutions in Bangladesh along with the University…

Euthanasia alive and well and feeding on UK’s austerity measures

The invitation reads “10 Thousand Cuts and Counting is a ceremony of remembrance and solidarity led by disability activists, Occupy activists, Michael Meacher MP and the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral for those who have had their lives devastated by…