

Key to success in Denmark: Investments in public transport, education and social aid for everyone

By Johanna Pauls The Danish Social Democratic government has been able to pay their citizens a corona aid of 1570$ each and priorized homless people during the vaccination process. Prime Minister Frederiksen and her party enjoy great popularity among the…

Denmark protects the homeless: Covid 19 vaccinations for people without shelter

Homeless people are at particular risk for a Covid 19 infection. After all, staying home or washing your hands regularly isn’t so easy when you don’t have a roof over your head. That’s why Denmark is now prioritizing homeless people…

UK bans ALL visitors from Denmark over mink mutant-coronavirus scare

The British government has denied entry to all visitors from Denmark over concerns they may be infected with a new strain of Covid-19. The new virus variant, which had spread through mink farms, has been detected in 214 people. The…

Crisis Means Danger and Opportunity

Viewpoint by John Scales Avery* In written Chinese, the word “crisis” is represented by two characters. One of these, taken alone, means “danger”. The other, by itself, means “opportunity”. A crisis nearly always leads to great change. There is a…

ITUC World Congress: A fractured world needs strong unions

The World Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation is taking place this week in Denmark, and we publish here their press statement calling for strong unions and a drastic reduction in military spending. The ITUC World Congress in Copenhagen,…

Denmark withdraws from airstrikes in Syria and Iraq

Denmark announced on Friday 2nd of December, its decision to suspend military operations of its seven F-16 fighter jets in Syria and Iraq. A few days beforehand, a military investigation indicated that Danish fighter jets were involved in a September…

Danes revive heroic WWII-era practice of smuggling refugees to safety

By Phil Wilmot for Waging Nonviolence About 100 Danes, young and old, stood outside Copenhagen City Court in the chilly seaside winds last Tuesday to show their solidarity with four activists alleged to have illegally assisted refugees in their trek…

Denmark to attack in Syria – too

On March 4, 2016 a large majority of Danish political parties agreed to send F16s and special forces to Syria. The decision is likely to soon be confirmed by the Danish parliament. It’s important that intellectuals criticise the policies of…

Denmark, Sweden and refugees

Part 4 or 4 Since people around the world are bewildered, I thought it would be helpful to offer one of many possible backgrounds – my own as a Danish-born citizen, peace researcher and observer living in Sweden. Here is the fourth…

Denmark: Where there is a will, there is a way

Why is Denmark again in the limelight for the wrong things? As an interventionist, refugee-creating country why does it combine militarism with xenophobia and refugee-repelling laws? The new draconian laws can be seen as a peak point of changed Danish…

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