

Treaties of Rome, a new federal, social EU with solidarity

There were tens of thousands, a real human river, people from different parts of the world that today, March 25th, participated in two demonstrations: “Another Europe” and the European Federalist Movement. They started from different places, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and Bocca…

We Are Many: Global Feb. 15 2003 Protests didn’t stop Iraq war, but may have changed the world

Up to 30 million people in nearly 800 cities rocked the globe on February 15, 2003, in antiwar rallies against the looming U.S. invasion of Iraq, making it the largest coordinated protest in history. And while the first U.S. bombs…

Germany’s Muslims Unite in Solidarity with France After Charlie Hebdo Massacre

Human Wrongs Watch 12 January 2015 (RT)* — A union of Turkish imams has announced that it will organize demonstrations in front of various media organizations across Germany in solidarity with France after the deadly attack at Charlie Hebdo’s office…

Protest, repression and nonviolence in Greece

Since protests began in Spain, Athenians started to demonstrate in Syntagma Square (25th of May 2011), together with demonstrations in more than 30 cities across the country. We spent more than a month with a consistently large crowd gathered daily at the bottom of the square, where open assemblies practicing direct democracy were organized. The open meetings continued…

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