

Kenya: After protests and violent repression, the President opens the possibility of dialogue

Two people were killed, 35 arrested and around 200 injured in Kenya during protests in several cities against a government-backed bill to increase or introduce new taxes. The information was provided by five organisations, including Amnesty International (AI), and compiled…

Haifa: Arab-Jewish demonstration against the war

In Haifa today, hundreds of Jewish and Arab protesters demonstrated against the war and for a political solution. The protest was allowed after an appeal to the Supreme Court, after the Israeli police, managed by Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, tried to…

On September 2, rallies for Julian Assange outside Australian embassies worldwide. What’s behind them.

Recently (29 July 2023), US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, on a visit to Australia, rejected the call by his Australian counterpart to put an end to the U.S.’s judicial persecution of Julian Assange. Blinken justified his refusal by saying…

Photos: Grand demonstration in Athens for the train accident

A grand demonstration was held again today (3/12/2022)  in the center of Athens for the accident with the collision of two trains last week, where 57 people died. Demonstrators demanded political accountability for the accident since the train infrastructure degradation…

Already 40,000 people on the streets with “Europe For Peace” to call for ceasefire and Peace negotiations

Colorful banners, moments of silence, torchlight processions, Peace marches, speeches by representatives of civil society organizations, chants, sit-ins and flash-mobs. These are the initiatives that enlivened the squares of the 75 Italian cities that took action for Peace in the…

Myanmar: “The people will not surrender until the military junta is overthrown”

In Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma, on February 1, the Tatmadaw, the national Army, regained power with a coup, declaring a state of emergency for a year and arresting civilian leaders, whose government it had been…

Thousands of Students Demonstrate Against the Education Bill

Text/photos: Chrysoula Patsou There was a strong presence, thousands of students in more than ten cities in Greece in response to the tremendous changes which are coming to universities and to secondary education – with a change in the rules…

Sit-In Demonstration at Syntagma Square in Support of the Women of Poland

October 31; 12 noon. At Syntagma Square, four girls from Poland who live in Greece, studying or working here for the past few years, invited Athenians (via social media) to participate in a sit-in protest to express their support for…

Warsaw: videos and photo reports from the pro-abortion demonstrations

Citizens and organizations continue to protest in Warsaw over the decision by the Polish Constitutional Court to revoke access to abortion. Photos and videos from the protest on October 27, 2020, by Karolina Przechocko.  

Germans protest coronavirus restrictions in Berlin, Stuttgart

People in Berlin and Stuttgart have taken to the streets to protest against a loss of freedoms amid the coronavirus pandemic. Germany has enacted a series of restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19. Hundreds of people took part…

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