

Questions to Sabine Rubin, former MP for France Insoumise party

In 2022, the French elected the President of the Republic and then the deputies of the National Assembly. In the last presidential and legislative elections, the abstention rate increased. However, the French are preoccupied about the future of their society:…

Where are we heading?

The global chessboard of geopolitics and the interests of the world’s economic power is making us more and more prone to a world war if we do not avoid it. On such a chessboard, political leaders instead of uniting to…

Tanzania – President Suluhu ends six-year ban on political rallies and promises more reforms

On 3 January, Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan announced that she had lifted the ban on political rallies imposed in 2016 by her predecessor, John Pombe Magufuli, with the main aim of cracking down on political dissent. The president’s announcement…

Democracy held hostage

It should come as no surprise that several world gauges of public opinion agree that millions of citizens are disappointed with democracy and its ability to truly serve the interests of their nations. Politicians and parties called upon to run…

Honduras: Bajo Aguán, una tragedia infinita

Nueva ola de ataques y asesinatos contra campesinos y defensores ambientales Tres dirigentes campesinos asesinados en menos de dos semanas, un conflicto producto de la expansión sin control del monocultivo de palma africana y de la minería que devasta territorios…

Free Julian Assange: The Belmarsh Tribunal at The National Press Club Washington DC

On January 20th The National Press Club in Washington DC hosted an event with expert testimony from politicians, human rights lawyers, journalists and whistle-blowers about the assault on press freedom and the ongoing United States prosecution of award-winning Australian Publisher and…

Democracy as neoliberalism’s caboose

Pedro Castillo’s attempted coup d’état caused confusion throughout the country for a couple of hours. His swift capture and subsequent imprisonment quickly made headlines in most of the national and international media. In the days that followed, however, it was…

The ” Chilean” Democracy

The minimum required of democratic countries is that their authorities are elected by the people in free, informed and secret elections. In Chile, let’s say that this objective is fulfilled, although the elections are not so free and informed, because…

COP27, Democracy, Human Rights, and the White-West

It’s fascinating that this year’s United Nations Climate Action meeting (COP27) happens to be at the same time that the midterm elections in the United States. Progressive organizations have been denouncing the human rights record of Egypt, this year’s host…

Democracy threatened by populism

We grew up in a time when the opposite of democracy was dictatorship. Today, in the 21st century, we face a new reality. The main threat to democracy is no longer governments backed by force of arms, but populism disguised…

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