

Hong Kong at another crossroad

This year, leaders of student unions at several universities have decided not to attend the vigil commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Crackdown, always held at Hong Kong’s Victoria Park. This is in protest at one of the main organiser’s – the…

UK election – A broken system: seats don’t match votes

In May 2015, the UK held a general election and returned a majority government for the Conservative Party despite the fact that it received no where near a majority of support from the electorate. The Electoral Reform Society is an…

UK heads for more austerity, privatisation (bye bye National Health Service) and TTIP with Tory victory

There are many forms of violence: physical, economic, religious, racial, psychological, ecological, moral…etc, etc. What do we call it when there is an illusion of Democracy but the system is firmly in the hands of an economic elite that controls…

Katerina Sergidou (Syriza): “We need the support of people from Spain and the whole of Europe”

Katerina Sergidou, secretary of the coordination committee of Syriza in Athens, is currently in Spain to support the launch of the manifesto “For the change in Greece”.  “If he’s a star that says no to the troika, then he’s welcome,”…

Occupy Democracy back in Parliament Square

This Valentine’s weekend, occupy democracy will return to Parliament Square to mourn democracy’s death with a vigil for Nelson Mandela. Mandela’s statue was placed behind bars when ‘Tarpaulin Square’ was fenced off during some of our previous assemblies – in…

The Republicans’ Profane Attack on the Sacred Right to Vote

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan There is a database housed in Arkansas with your name in it … that is, if you live in one of the 28 states participating in the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program. It’s one…

Podemos: an unusual process

Deliberation in Podemos[1] is public and open, it allows for varying degrees of involvement, within it are participating people from social movements and its structure is designed not only for militants but rather for popular participation. By Olga Rodríguez for…

Occupy Democracy: keep protest away from Parliament, or else…

A number of arrests, amongst them Green politician Jenny Jones who is also the deputy chair of London assembly’s police and crime committee,  have followed an attempt to establish a 9 day open discussion about Democracy in Parliament Square, opposite…

Singapore: democracy from another angle

Lionel Mok was inspired to pen these words because of the Occupy Central protests and his awareness of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s speech, on Sunday, August 17, 2014, plus his experience there in Singapore, and his comments are highly…

Occupy London opens discussions at Occupy Democracy

By Occupy London The Democracy Working Group of Occupy London is planning open meetings at Parliament Square, opposite the Parliament Building: “The governement’s imposition of austerity has no democratic mandate. Nobody voted for: NHS Privatisation Tripling of tuition fees Bedroom…

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