

« Interview with Edwy Plenel on: freedom of the press, journalism and the Yellow Vests »

Mediapart is an independent French online investigative and opinion journal created in 2008 by Edwy Plenel, former Editor-in-chief of Le Monde. Mediapart is published in French, English and Spanish. (Wikipedia) Pressenza: Today, what do you think of the freedom of…

Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes): where Democracy is on the march! [2/2]

Text and photos by Mauricio Alvarez. We have chosen to publish this article in two parts to simplify your reading.  The first was to recall the meaning of the word democracy and explain the root causes of the Yellow Vests…

Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes): where Democracy is on the march! [1/2]

Text and photos by Mauricio Alvarez. The Yellow Vests movement is growing more and more. A few days before a fourth major day of demonstrations, scheduled for Saturday, December 8, 2018, actions are multiplying all over France: roadblocks, blockades of…

Lessons on Building Democracy after Nonviolent Revolutions

By Jonathan Pinckney In 2011, Egypt began a political transition following a nonviolent revolution. There was tremendous optimism both from within the country and abroad that the transition was likely to lead to a democratic outcome. In 2014, Burkina Faso also began a…

What Else You Can Do

You’ve been radically misled to believe that the only thing, or the most important thing, or one of the super important things you can do is vote. Voting in a functioning democracy would be a fairly important thing to do,…

Neoliberalism has become a way of life, much more than an ideology or an economic policy”, Pierre Dardot.

We spoke at length with the French philosopher Pierre Dardot, who maintains that if one does not understand how Neoliberalism works, one cannot resist it or overcome it. That it is necessary to recognize it by permeating the different human…

Platform parties vs plutocrat PR: welcome to the future of UK politics

By ADAM RAMSAY 10 September 2018 for openDemocracy Deserted by members, right-wing parties serve the rich, while people have flocked to centre and left alternatives, only to be smeared as “dogs” and “Trots”. The SNP has more members than the Conservatives.…

The monopolistic firewall against democratic communication in Latin America and the Caribbean

We share with our readers the text of the paper presented by Javier Tolcachier, in the event “Unraveling Digital Social Networks”, held in Quito on August 29, 30 and 31, convened by ALAI, FLACSO and CIESPAL. We have become media…

A Threat to Global Democracy:

How Facebook & Surveillance Capitalism Empower Authoritarianism “Black Elevation.” “Mindful Being.” “Resisters.” “Aztlan Warriors.” Those are the names of some of the accounts removed from Facebook and Instagram Tuesday after Facebook uncovered a plot to covertly influence the midterm elections.…

Strategy and Conscience: Subverting Elite Power So We End Human Violence

Given the overwhelming evidence that activist efforts are failing to halt the accelerating rush to extinction precipitated and maintained by dysfunctional human behavior, it is worth reflecting on why this is happening. Of course, you might say that the rush…

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