

Why ‘the will of the people’ is a myth in British democracy

British people are fundamentally disempowered by our political system. Other countries show that there’s another way. By George Monbiot for The Guardian They promised sovereignty, but at first it was unclear which variety of sovereignty they meant. Were the politicians…

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson prorogation of Parliament unlawful. Unanimous Supreme Court judgement

The UK Supreme Court 11 justices have delivered a unanimous and damning judgement on Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue Parliament for five weeks, according to him in order to prepare the next Queen’s speech (something the judges say it only…

Boris Johnson to seek UK general election – but purging his party of rebels changes the rules of the game

Matthew Cole, University of Birmingham for The Conversation Boris Johnson, the UK prime minister, has confirmed that he will call a vote on holding a general election if MPs legislate to block a no-deal Brexit. His pledge came after he…

Largest Hong Kong Protest in Weeks Defies Threats. Intimidation by China

In Hong Kong, organizers say as many as 1.7 million pro-democracy protesters took to the streets Sunday in the largest demonstration in weeks. Protesters marched in the rain as the popular uprising, which started 11 weeks ago, showed no sign…

[Argentina] It’s all our fault

Argentine President Mauricio Macri, in the threatening tone with which he communicated with the people he governed during these almost four years of government, had warned us in a campaign spot that “if I go crazy, I can do you…

100,000 Israelis Take to the Streets in Defense of Democracy

By Hillel Schenker On Saturday night, May 29th, I was one of an estimated 100,000 Israelis who responded to the call to demonstrate in defense of the Israeli democracy that is being steadily undermined by the right-wing government. Despite the…

Greece: New self-reliant right wing government – The Golden Dawn out of the Parliament

The new Parliament, as it emerged from the results of the 7th July elections in Greece, consists of six parties. This time, the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn is out of Parliament and this is a victory for the 58% of…

Democracy Is a Sham

By Jerome Irwin A question oft raised by journalists, writers and social scientists world-wide asks, “Is Democracy in the United States, as well as every other country in the world, dying a slow, barely visible death?” Military coups, openly fascist…

Facebook’s role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy

Carole Cadwalladr at TED2019 In an unmissable talk, journalist Carole Cadwalladr digs into one of the most perplexing events in recent times: the UK’s super-close 2016 vote to leave the European Union. Tracking the result to a barrage of misleading Facebook…

Chomsky: Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change & the Undermining of Democracy Threaten Future of Planet

As President Trump pulls out of key nuclear agreements with Russia and moves to expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal, Noam Chomsky looks at how the threat of nuclear war remains one of the most pressing issues facing mankind. In a…

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