

Culture, Education and Human Solidarity

Human Wrongs Watch By John Scales Avery* 29 December 2015 Cultural and educational activities have a small ecological footprint, and therefore are more sustainable than pollution-producing, fossil-fuel-using jobs in industry. Furthermore, since culture and knowledge are shared among all nations,…

Anteos Chrisostomidis: the Greek intellectual of our age

“Literature, even the heavy, serious kind is addressed to a wider audience,” always stressed Anteos Chrisostomidis*. “Literature is a human creation and concerns everyone,” he insisted. I think however, that few people had the opportunity to talk with such important…

The Rights of Indigenous Peoples

“It is imperative that there be prior, free, and informed consultation of indigenous peoples concerning any project that could affect their rights”.

“One peso invested in culture means five pesos saved in security”

Telam, The Argentinean Secretary of Culture Jorge Coscia, remarked today that “one peso invested in culture means five pesos saved in security” and reinforced that the culture “is reinvigorating, especially among most vulnerable sectors.” The official said so in declarations…

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