
Culture and Arts Notebook

Covid-19 continues to kill journalists globally, visible improvement recorded in India

MEDIA     Geneva/Guwahati, 2 September 2021: The list of journalists dead from Covid-19 is still growing, where more than 1,754 media workers have succumbed to the novel coronavirus in 80 countries during the last 18 months, said the global…

A “love the reality” rap

POEM   For all the misfits in the world Who couldn’t settle into this old mold For all the searchers of their own space Who want to find their own grace         Love the reality you build.…

Love for Living Animals: The Pandemic Affects Conservation Efforts of the Philippine Tamaraw

Essay/Endangered Animals       We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards,…

A Day And Another

POEM     by Erlie Lopez I catch the sky pale pink and blue on a late afternoon I walk around the block. Such fitting canopy on a nearly empty street where hopes hang on frozen air. The scrawny man…

PPFA greets everyone on Vishvasamskritadinam, demands national language status to Sanskrit

Language/Culture     Guwahati: As the World Sanskrit Day (Vishvasamskritadinam), an annual event to focus on India’s most ancient language and its promotion, is being celebrated on 22 August (full moon day), a Northeast Bharat-based nationalist citizens’ forum greets everyone…

The External Look, The Internal Landscape

Visual Arts/Photography     Photographs by Boldy Tapales/Text by Karina L. Santillan Looking outward, seeing what is before oneself, the eye captures that which resonates within oneself. We perceive and, at the same time, we sieve what we see according…

The walkway

POEM     Where is the walkway to where I am bound Where is the path that leads to the source Where is the road, the highway, the bridge There, where hope resides, wide open and vast.   The open…

Love for Living Animals: Sierra Leone Crab, Believed “Extinct” for 66 Years, Rediscovered 

Endangered Species       We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards,…

The Gift: A recipe on asking for that which we truly need

On humanism and spirituality     As a student in an all-girls Catholic school, we all went to Mass every Friday. After communion, the priest encouraged us to pray for our intentions before ending the mass with a “going away…

Adelina Gurrea’s book: Cuentos de Juana

Fil-Hispanic Literature     Hola Karinita, I finished an article in Spanish for Revista Filipina—a digital journal on Hispanic Filipino literature, culture with an academic bent.  It’s on Adelina Gurrea’s book of short stories that are marvelous, Cuentos de Juana. …

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