

Cuban University Students Support Palestine

Several hundred Cuban students took part in a rally in support of Palestine on the steps of the University of Havana on Friday. The event, which was also attended by workers and students from other levels of education, heard voices…

US Reimposes Illegal and Inhumane Oil Sanctions on Venezuela: The New York Times Runs Cover

A minute after midnight on April 18, the US reimposed coercive economic measures designed to cripple Venezuela’s oil industry. Later that day, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a new sanctions bill on Nicaragua. Meanwhile, Cuba protested the US’s…

International expert installs ion chromatograph in Cuba

Wesley Ramirez, Applications Specialist from Scanco, carried out the commissioning of the modern equipment in the Physicochemical Analysis of Water and Atmosphere Department of the LEA, and trained the technical staff of the center linked to this department. This equipment…

“Cuba is a project of liberation for all the condemned of the world.” Interview with historian Ernesto Limia Díaz

On the occasion of his arrival in Italy for the translation of his book De Patria y cultura en Tiempo de Revolución, a text that deals with the ideological war of the United States against his country (PGreco edition, reviewed…

The International Tribunal on the US sanctions against the Republic of Cuba

The extensive political and economic sanctions imposed on the Republic of Cuba since 1960 up to date violate international law. These include, above all, Articles 2(4) and 2(7) of the UN Charter on the protection of sovereignty, self-determination and the…

UN debate on Cuba: Overwhelming majority against US economic war

Voted out: 187 of the 193 member states of the United Nations are calling for an end to the US blockade against Cuba. The USA and its ally Israel are completely isolated. With an overwhelming majority of 187 votes in…

Family farm in Cuba innovates production with a clean energy mix

Combining technologies and innovations to harness the potential of solar, wind, hydro and biomass allows Finca del Medio to be a leader in Cuba in the use of clean energy, which is the basis of its agro-ecological and environmental sanitation…

G77 plus China summit draws up proposals for action

The participants in the Group of 77 plus China Summit, which begins Friday in Havana, have drawn up several proposals for action, according to Rodolfo Benítez, director general of Multilateral Affairs and International Law at the Cuban Foreign Ministry. Benítez…

Migration becomes more feminised in Cuba and brings with it new challenges

Emigrating was an agonising decision for Cuban Ana Iraida. She left behind family and friends; in her backpack she carried many aspirations, but also the fear of being harassed on the journey to the United States. “My salary and that…

Micro-vegetables and sustainable urban food systems in Cuba

The possibility of learning how to grow micro-vegetables, expand their diet and even add a possible source of income led Grispina Torres and Lauce Reyes to the course to encourage the production and consumption of these nutritious foods in Cuba’s…

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