
coups d’état

50 years after the Chilean assassination. Testimony

We lived in Mac Iver Street, along which, at great speed and with equal noise, tanks, tanks, trucks with army soldiers and carabineros of the ” creeping general ” Mendoza were running. Named after President Salvador Allende for joining in…

A history of US-perpetrated coups d’état

From Iran in ’53 to the US in 2021: a history of US coup d’états that finally hits home 19 August marked the 70th anniversary of the overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh, Iran’s first democratically elected political leader and prime minister.…

The Winter Coup Season in Latin America: Coverage by the Democratic Party-aligned Liberal US Press

Coup attempts have gone viral this winter season in Latin America. The contagion spread first to Argentina, then Peru, and finally Brazil on January 8. In addition, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua continue to suffer from long-term US regime-change efforts. Coverage…

Democracy as neoliberalism’s caboose

Pedro Castillo’s attempted coup d’état caused confusion throughout the country for a couple of hours. His swift capture and subsequent imprisonment quickly made headlines in most of the national and international media. In the days that followed, however, it was…

Counter-coup: The anti-democratic subversion of the right-wing in Latin America resumes

While millions of eyes – including this reporter’s – devour the colourful incidents of the circus staged by the Qatari dynastic monarchy in collusion with FIFA, other events, perhaps much more relevant to the lives of the people, continue to…

The day they wanted to kill, all at once, the dream and hope

What the coup against the constitutional government of Hugo Chávez on 11 April 2002 made clear was that the insurgents, civilian, religious, military, Venezuelan and foreign, did not count on the reaction of an unarmed people who took to the…