

‘Today everything changes’: Huge protest in Moldova demands new government, president, constitution

Protesters have set up tents outside the government building in the Moldovan capital of Chisinau, following a demonstration that attracted up to 100,000 people. The opposition say they will stay until the resignation of the government and a crippling $1…

‘Victory for the People’ as Guatemalan President Resigns in Disgrace

U.S.-backed Otto Pérez Molina stepped down over corruption charges, but Guatemalans say his crimes include torture and acts of genocide by Sarah Lazare, staff writer for Common Dreams School of the Americas-trained Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, who oversaw acts…

Let’s not fool ourselves. We may not bribe, but corruption is rife in Britain

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Allegations of a cover-up at Scotland Yard show that the British are as prone to malfeasance as any other nation It just doesn’t compute. Almost every day the news is filled with stories that…

Spain court charges 78 bank officials for misusing credit cards

A Spanish court has charged 78 senior bank officials for misusing credit cards for their personal use. On Wednesday, Jude Fernando Andreu of Spain’s National Court charged the former bosses, executives, and board members of the country’s two renowned banks,…

Why Politics Fails

Nothing will change until we confront the real sources of power. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 12th November 2013 It’s the reason for the collapse of democratic choice. It’s the source of our growing disillusionment with politics. It’s…

Corruption in the so-called developed world. A few UK examples

Corruption is a problem in developing countries because poverty creates unbearable living conditions and early death. Money, for many, is survival and the moral problem of stealing (corruption being one form) may fade into the background. Corruption in the developed…

Six Trillion Dollars Stolen from Poor Nations

By Jaya Ramachandran Crime, corruption, and tax evasion recorded near-historic highs in 2010, with illicit financial outflows costing the developing world $859 billion in 2010, just below the all-time high of $871.3 billion in 2008, the year preceding the global…

World Conference in Brazil to Flight against Corruption, Bribery, Abuse of Power

By Transparency International*, 6 November 2012 — Amid news of another round of financial scandals, word that the former president of a G8 country has been convicted of tax evasion and growing frustration across the Middle East that new leadership…

India: Anti-Corruption Movement Withering Away

By Shastri Ramachandaran* As skeletons keep tumbling out of the cupboard of a government besieged by corruption charges, an agitated people may well despair that battling corruption in India’s officialdom is a Sisyphean task. Far from gaining in momentum, the…

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