
Columbia University

Columbia students occupy Hamilton Hall after school suspends students. New protest encampments all over the US

Students at Columbia University took over Hamilton Hall just after midnight after the school began suspending students who refused to leave the Gaza Solidarity Encampment, which began almost two weeks ago. The hall was also the site of a historic…

One thousand academics sign an open letter to the President of Columbia University in solidarity with student protest for Gaza

The open letter was started by a group of Indian academics, many of them active in prestigious universities around the world, including Suvrat Raju, a scientist in the field of quantum mechanics and black holes, and in just a few…

Columbia Protests Continue a Day After NYPD Arrests 100+, Dismantles Gaza Solidarity Encampment

Here in New York, riot police moved in on a peaceful student protest encampment, arresting at least 108 people. Columbia University President Minouche Shafik called the NYPD to clear the Gaza Solidarity Encampment on the campus’s South Lawn, where Columbia and Barnard…