

2nd October

Millions of Colombians remember what we were doing on 2 October 2016 at four o’clock in the afternoon. The predictions, the fears and the hope; so many dreams, so many resurrections pending a result. That afternoon it became clear that…

The sunshine of being alive

7 September 2021. The Spectator Not all suns are the same. For example, this one today in the hospital, came mixed with the light of half past four, and a lot of interrogations; it is almost surreal to see how…

El Catatumbo: the Colombian region seeking to transform its violent past

Catatumbo is a region located in the north-east of Colombia, just a few metres from the Venezuelan border, where multiple actors and phenomena converge and have generated dynamics of violence that are regularly reflected in the national press. By: Jorge…

The memory we mourn

30 August 2021. The Spectator We knew they were going to kill him. We knew that in Colombia then and now, a professor who asks more questions than he answers, a doctor who is pained by his patients’ hunger and…

Declassified UK: Repression in Colombia and its relationship with the UK

Now that we are all looking at Afghanistan and evaluating the actions of the Western powers in the “restitution” of democracy in the countries they first dynamite, it is good to get rid of the double standard game played by…

Colombia: in Nariño, peace builders

Original publication: UN Verification Mission in Colombia Adriana Cuaspud was born and grew up in the village of Miraflores, in the municipality of Cumbal in Nariño in southern Colombia, in the heart of a peasant family. Like everyone else, she…

José Guarnizo “Colombia does not dare to propose a scenario where there is a humanitarian crossing”.

We welcome José Guarnizo, a journalist who has carried out different investigations on migration. At this moment, in Necoclí, Antioquia, located in western Colombia, where a critical situation is being experienced because more than 10,000 migrants have arrived. People from…

The Diana Award goes to the young colombian Angelo Cardona

Colombian human rights defender Angelo Cardona received the Diana Award in honour of the late Diana, Princess of Wales for his outstanding contribution for peace in Colombia. The Diana Award was established in 1999 by the British government as a…

IACHR Delegation Arrived in Colombia

In the midst of a caravan of flags and all kinds of banners related to the situation the country has experienced during the protests of the National Strike since last April 28, citizens received the delegates of the Inter-American Commission…

What is happening in Colombia?

In this interview, we speak with Joshua Collins, a freelance journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia, from where he covers Latin America. We talk about why people are demonstrating in Colombia and why these protests are different from previous ones. We…

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