
climate crisis

Ignoring Climate Catastrophes

The planet is coming apart at the seams right before the eyes of scientists at work in remote fringe areas of the North where permafrost crumbles and collapses. It’s abrupt climate change at work in real time, but the governing…

How many Green New Deals are there

Faced with the evidence of the climate crisis, deniers no longer deny the rise of global temperatures, but rather contest its anthropogenic origin, in order to continue with business as usual. As Naomi Klein explained, the “Lords of oil” know…

London Bans All Extinction Rebellion Protests, But Direct Actions Continue

The city of London has banned all Extinction Rebellion protests and cleared the protest encampment at Trafalgar Square, after over 1,400 people were arrested in eight days of mass demonstrations demanding urgent action to address the climate crisis. On Monday…

Over 60 People Arrested in Extinction Rebellion Protests in New York City

In New York City, over 60 protesters were arrested Thursday after shutting down an intersection in the heart of Times Square as part of a climate action organized by Extinction Rebellion. Isabel: “My name is Isabel. I’m a student at NYU, and…

Extinction Rebellion Protests Hit London Airport, Demanding Climate Change Action

Extinction Rebellion protests are continuing around the globe with nonviolent actions demanding urgent action on the climate crisis. This morning, protesters blocked roads leading to London’s city airport and held a sit-in protest inside a terminal, disrupting flights. In Central…

‘How dare you’: Greta Thunberg’s powerful speech to the UN

By Countercurrents Collective Greta Thunberg, the young climate crisis activist on Monday opened the United Nations Climate Action Summit with an angry condemnation of world leaders for failing to take strong measures to combat climate crisis – “How dare you,” she…

Sea Level Rise!

Sea level has been stable, at current levels, throughout recorded history for 5,000 years. That’s about to change. Still, it’s very difficult for people to imagine a change in sea level after 5,000 years of rock-solid stability. Nevertheless, assuming sea…

Our Vanishing World: Rainforests

Rainforests are a crucial feature of Earth’s biosphere. Apart from being critical to Earth’s climate and vital carbon sinks, the major player in Earth’s hydrological (water) cycle, a massive producer of oxygen and home to most of the world’s species,…

The Permafrost Nightmare Turns (More) Real

Permafrost covers 25% of the Northern Hemisphere. It is the world’s largest icebox, and its landmass is 4.5xs larger than Antarctica, 6.5xs larger than the United States.  It is stuffed full of carbon locked in frozen ground accumulated over eons,…

Power Beyond Borders: Mass Action Camp in south-east England

Power Beyond Borders is a mass action camp which aims to show solidarity with migrants as well as taking direct action against new gas infrastructure from 26th – 31st July. It’s organised by Reclaim the Power. They will be showing…

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