
climate crisis

Massive Attack: Eutopia in Three Acts

It is hard to overstate the contribution made by Massive Attack to the music world and beyond it over decades. Formed in 1988 in Bristol, UK, they released one of the most iconic singles of 1991, “Unfinished Sympathy“. After this…

“A Dream That Comes True”: Standing Rock Elder Hails Order to Shut Down DAPL After Years of Protest

Following years of resistance, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Indigenous organizers across the country scored a massive legal victory Monday when a federal judge ordered the Dakota Access Pipeline to be shut down and emptied of all oil, pending…

Tackling climate with gender equality

An  equitable future for women means a livable future for all of us. We’re in the midst of climate crisis – it’s not theoretical anymore. And though some of the world’s finest minds are working hard on strategies to stave off…

Extinction Rebellion put thousands of kid’s shoes in Trafalgar Square urging government to remember children during coronavirus recovery

At 8am this morning more than 2000 pairs of children’s shoes were placed in London’s Trafalgar Square with people holding a banner saying ‘Covid today > Climate tomorrow > Act Now’ Extinction Rebellion are calling on the government to act…

Stay, Protect and Work with our Mother Earth

PMPI STATEMENT ON EARTH DAY This is no ordinary Earth Day to celebrate. We are now both in a climate and health crisis. Each crisis threatens humanity’s existence. WE are being asked to STAY. In the context of the health…

Demand that Financiers Divest from Fossil Fuels and Deforestation

It’s undeniable—Wall Street is fueling the climate crisis. And today, Thursday April 23rd, Earth Week NYC is teaming up with the national Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition to demand that J.P. Morgan Chase and BlackRock, two of the biggest Wall…

Against insularity

In the age of pandemics and climate crisis, we must reject logics of insularity – we need a utopia that works for everyone. Why is it that so many utopian visions take the shape of islands? From the ancient Greek…

Coronavirus and climate crisis: nothing will be the same again

The pounding and discomposed mobilization of politicians and media against the coronavirus reminds of Peter and the Wolf: what could we ever do to communicate a real emergency, when the climate crisis at the gates will begin to have a…

How the Climate Crisis Is Making the Spread of Infectious Diseases Like Coronavirus More Common

Sonia Shah is an investigative science journalist and author of “Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond.” Her new book is titled “The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move” and will be…

Hundreds of Greenpeace Climate Activists Shut Down BP Headquarters in London

In Britain, climate activists forced oil and gas giant BP to temporarily shut down its headquarters in London Wednesday. More than 100 activists with the environmental group Greenpeace attempted to install some 500 solar panels in front of the BP…

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