
Climate Change

The Campaign Against Greta is an Index of the Loss of Values

Since the powerful march of hundreds of thousands of students in 1,000 towns against climate change, an unexpected campaign of delegitimation, ”demystification” and demonisation has started against Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who started the movement. After searching the media, social…

Cyclone Idai: rich countries are to blame for disasters like this – here’s how they can make amends

Michael Mikulewicz, Glasgow Caledonian University and Tahseen Jafry, Glasgow Caledonian University for The Conversation The tropical cyclone rampaging south-eastern Africa has been described as one of the worst disasters ever to strike the southern hemisphere, with up to 2.6m people…

The System, the Youth and Democracy

By Roberto Savio If we ever needed a proof, to see how the political system has become self referent, and unable to update itself, the last student march, in more than 1.000 towns, is a very good example. Of course,…

The kids got it right: Climate Change, pollution and the system

Somehow for years vested interests had managed to keep a split between the two most damaging effects of burning fossil fuels: climate change leading to disaster in particular to the poorest areas of the planet and the millions of deaths…

Multilateralism: A Testimony

By Ambassador Idriss Jazairy and Roberto Savio For over 70 years, the UN system has been perceived as the guardian of peace and development in the world. However, multilateralism today is undeniably under strain. The effectiveness of global institutions and…

How young activists turned the old idea of a Green New Deal into a powerful movement

Nick Engelfried  March 5, 2019 Last week over 250 young people converged on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office in Washington, D.C. for a sit-in marking one of the latest escalations in the youth-led campaign for a Green New Deal. The…

Saving the Future

by John Scales Avery Only immediate climate action can save the future. If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon. A new book I have…

Youth climate strike grows: images from Germany and Belgium

Within the last ten days alone around 75,000 school children and students have filled the streets in European cities. Instead of going to school or university they went on strike saying they won’t stop until governments take real action against…

Imagining a Davos for the many that was actually serious about climate change

Peter Bloom, The Open University for The Conversation From the moment world leaders claiming to want to fight climate change arrived in private jets, the 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos attracted controversy. With global inequality growing and the threat…

Environmental Optimism over Despair: Cities Are Key to Fighting Climate Change

“Whoever you are, wherever you are, we need you now to stand outside your parliament or local government office to let them know that we demand climate action.” These words, pronounced by Greta Thunberg on December 12, 2018, changed my…

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