
Climate Change

WMO Bright Red Alert

The World Meteorological Organization (Geneva, Switzerland) State of Climate 2023 Report by Celste Saulo, secretary general, was issued on March 19th, 2024. “As secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization, I am now sounding the Red Alert about the state…

The world in the so-called “transition period”.

The “transition” that is being talked about today, both in the social sciences and in the natural sciences, points to a change of system from an unrestricted production of the resources that nature provides us with, to one in which…

Climate change hits rural women hardest

Heat waves and floods caused by climate change affect rural women more than men because they exacerbate inequalities, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says in a new report. By IPS correspondent The study, “The Unjust Climate”, says that…

Arctic Sea Ice Loss – A World of Trouble

What if Arctic sea ice melts? All of it… during the summer! According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), over the past three decades, the oldest, thickest ice (13-20 feet thick) has declined by a stunning 95 percent…

Bolivian president urges transformation of agricultural cycle in the face of climate change

The effects of global warming and the El Niño and La Niña phenomena have been affecting Bolivia for years, which is why it is worth thinking about changing the agricultural cycle, Bolivian President Luis Arce stressed today. At a public…

Colombia offers to host the most important Biodiversity Summit in the world

As Colombia continues to play a leading role in the COP28 in Dubai, today the country announced its official offer to host in 2024 the sixteenth meeting of the biannual United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP16), the most important event…

Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and People #COP28

We, the UNFCCC COP28 Presidency, CBD COP15 Presidency, chairs of the undersigned partnerships, initiatives and coalitions, and endorsing member countries: Recognizing that the growing and projected impacts of climate change critically threaten biodiversity and the billions of livelihoods dependent on…

Food is firmly on the climate agenda

The 28th Climate Summit (COP28) is being held at Expo City Dubai (Image by Unfccc) A total of 134 countries, including Spain, on Friday endorsed a declaration at the 28th Climate Summit (COP28), being held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates),…

Hypocrisy Sours COP28

Hypocrisy ran rampant at COP28 even before the doors swung open to 70,000 delegates on Thursday, November 30th. This is the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties (“COP”) held at Expo City, Dubai. It’s the big…

High-ranking Climate Scientists Rebel against the IPPC

It’s 35 years since the formation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities.” Subsequently, COP21 at Paris ‘15 warned the world not to exceed 1.5°C, and worst case,…

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